Chloe Smith

Chloe Smith is a disabled and autistic writer and poet from the United Kingdom. She is a Foyle Young Poet of the Year 2015, and her poetry has been published in The Honest Ulsterman, TERSE Journal, The Cabinet of Heed, Ghost City Review, and more. Her flash fiction has been published in Ellipsis Zine, TRAIN, Three Drops from a Cauldron, and The Ginger Collect. Her first ever short story, “Plenty of Fish,” was published by Harmony Ink Press in the Harmonious Hearts 2016 anthology, and her short story “143” was also published by Harmony Ink Press in the Harmonious Hearts 2018 anthology.

She’s wanted to be a writer ever since she knew books existed, especially when she found out that writing those books could be an actual job. She’s still working on getting that status of “published author and poet” with her own books and poetry collections on the shelves, but thinks that as long as there are people out there who will read her work (and occasionally even like it), then she’s most of the way there.

Chloe lives in England with her family, who she loves very much. If she’s not writing, then she’s probably thinking up a new story idea, rewatching episodes of Doctor Who, or drinking tea (as long as it’s decaf).