Valentine Shower

By John C. Houser

Valentine Shower
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  • Release Date
  • Type Short Stories
  • Pages 56
  • ISBN-13 978-1-62798-765-3
  • SKU 4681
  • File Formats epub, pdf, zip
Valentine's Day $1 eBooks

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For Reuben, numbers are everything people are not: rational, predictable, and soothing. Outside of this family, his boss, Terry, is the one person he feels connected with. In the years they’ve worked together, listening to Terry’s jokes and stories over coffee has become a reliable part of his routine. But he’s missed having family nearby since his parents retired to Florida, and figures he’ll need a woman to correct the problem. He’s hurt and confused when Terry not only refuses to help, but announces he won’t be coming around much anymore. It’s up to Reuben’s no-nonsense sister Yaffa and his therapist, Dr. Greenberg, to help him understand Terry’s feelings—and his own.


Genres Contemporary Romance / Gay / Holiday Romance / Romantic Comedy