

Faire des vagues

La guerre des moteurs
$3.99 $2.99

La guerre des moteurs, numéro hors série

Meilleurs amis depuis l'adolescence, Ward Kent et Dean Zimmerman travaillent ensemble au garage de Reggie, où l'émission de télé-réalité *La Guerre des Moteurs* est tournée. Dans sa vie privée, Dean est un coureur de jupons notoire, et de son point de vue, Ward est le meilleur copilote qui soit. Ce qu'il ignore, c'est que Ward est bien plus intéressé par ces messieurs que par mesdames.

Puis le petit frère de Dean, Ash, vient travailler au garage. Ash a peut-être sept ans de moins qu'eux, mais il a le béguin pour Ward depuis des années et il n'a pas peur de montrer ce qu'il veut.

Admettre que son meilleur ami et son frère sont gays est une chose. Mais les voir ensemble ? C'est un peu trop à encaisser pour Dean, qui s'apprête à forcer Ward à prendre une décision : perdre son meilleur ami *et* son travail, ou rompre avec Ash pour toujours.


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Thirty-One Days and Legos

Ranger Station Haven
$3.99 $2.99

A Ranger Station Haven Christmas Novella

Park rangers  Carter and Owen Williams have decided to expand their family and adopt two brothers—boys they rescued a year before when they tried to escape the foster system and flee to Canada. After completing their parenting classes, Carter, a reserved man who enjoys the simple life, swears he’ll be the best father possible. His patience is tested, however, when one brother adopts a cat out of the snowy Voyageurs National Park and the other brother refuses to talk about what’s bothering him.

Owen wants to make sure their first Christmas together is a special one, and he decides all of December should be a celebration. He has an activity planned for each of the thirty-one days, but none of them seem to go off without a hitch. The cat has fleas, the boys need to attend a court hearing, and Carter is more than a little overwhelmed.

But Carter is 100 percent determined to make his new family work. He just has no idea how….


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Dreams and Expectations

Before… and After
$3.99 $2.99

A Before… and After Story

At what point are differences irreparable?

Tom McAllister and Nick Corwin have always had a comfortable friendship, even though Nick is a Native American webcomic artist and Tom’s father is a rigid Christian. But they’re about to discover growing up means more challenges than choosing a college major. It might mean making decisions that change pivotal relationships—or sever them.

When a bully confronts Tom and Nick and a dark, unsettling aspect of Tom emerges, Nick is shaken enough to end their friendship. As both young men struggle to balance their own dreams with the expectations of their families—both in terms of career and faith—they recognize the emptiness that parting ways has left in their lives. But when reconciliation leads to confessions that might mean something more than friendship between them, will it make their path easier to navigate or more difficult?


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Ganz normal

Krieg der Werkstätten
$3.99 $2.99

Ein Titel der Krieg der Werkstätten Serie

Was ist schon ‚normal‘?

Als Brandon Kenner in Kasey Ralstons Werkstatt mit einer 1970er Chevelle SS 454 auftaucht, ist Kasey von beidem, Mann und Auto, hin und weg. Aber Kasey birgt ein peinliches Geheimnis: Seine Liebe für alte Muscle-Cars geht wesentlich tiefer als das, was als normal gilt. Sein unüblicher Fetisch hat Kasey isoliert — entfremdet von seiner Familie und von seinen Kollegen sogar noch mehr.

Aber als Brandon das Geheimnis des heißen Mechanikers herausfindet, ist er nicht abgeschreckt. Genaugenommen findet er Kasey faszinierend und hat sich vorgenommen, ihn für sich zu gewinnen.

Alles an Brandon bringt Kaseys Motor in Fahrt und er ist mehr als nur bereit, mit dem charmanten Mann in die Kiste, oder besser gesagt ins Auto, zu springen. Was Kasey jedoch fürchtet ist, was hinterher passieren wird. Gibt es irgendeine Chance auf eine Zukunft für die beiden? In der Vergangenheit hat die Erwartung an etwas Langfristigem immer zu einem gebrochenen Herzen geführt.  Aber Kasey kann nicht anders, als zu hoffen, dass trotz seines Fetisches Brandon die Ausnahme sein wird.


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$3.99 $2.99

Da tutta la vita Bryan ama perdersi in un mondo di fantasie western. Nella speranza di attirare l’attenzione di un vero cowboy, ogni volta che va nel suo locale preferito, si veste in un modo che induce perfino il suo coinquilino a chiamarlo “drag cowboy”. Quando Curtis gli offre una birra, però, Bryan non ha dubbi sul fatto che l’uomo sia un esemplare di quelli autentici. Ma riusciranno i due a spingersi oltre una notte di sesso incredibile dopo che Bryan avrà svelato a Curtis che l’unico cavallo che abbia mai cavalcato è un pony a una festa di compleanno?


$3.99 $2.99
$4.99 $3.74

Pierce Atwater used to think he was a knight in shining armor, but then his life fell to crap. Now he has no job, no wife, no life—and is so full of self-pity he can’t even be decent to the one family member he’s still speaking to. He heads for Florida, where he’s got a month to pull his head out of his ass before he ruins his little sister’s Christmas. 

Harold Justice Lombard the Fifth is at his own crossroads—he can keep being Hal, massage therapist in training, flamboyant and irrepressible to the bones, or he can let his parents rule his life. Hal takes one look at Pierce and decides they’re fellow unicorns out to make the world a better place. Pierce can’t reject Hal’s overtures of friendship, in spite of his misgivings about being too old and too pissed off to make a good friend. 

As they experience everything from existential Looney Tunes to eternal trips to Target, Pierce becomes more dependent on Hal’s optimism to get him through the day. When Hal starts getting him through the nights too, Pierce must look inside for the knight he used to be—before Christmas becomes a doomsday deadline of heartbreak instead of a celebration of love.


$4.99 $3.74

Christmas Grace

2017 Advent Calendar | Stocking Stuffers
$3.99 $2.99

Christmas has been a lonely time of year for Aaron since losing his family fifteen years ago. But now he’s seeing Craig, and though Aaron is sure they belong together, both have been hurt in the past, so they’re taking things slowly. So far, Craig has been supportive of Aaron’s struggles with anxiety—struggles that cost Aaron relationships in the past.

On Christmas Eve, Aaron is closing his bookshop when Craig surprises him with a specially planned evening. Will this be the night they take that final step and deepen their physical relationship? Aaron hopes so, but things aren’t that simple. Craig has been keeping a secret…. Can Aaron take his place as part of a family again and accept the love he’s missed for so long—or will he find that some deceptions are too big to be forgiven, even with the help of some Christmas grace?

A story from the Dreamspinner Press 2017 Advent Calendar "Stocking Stuffers."


$3.99 $2.99

Dear Ruth

2017 Advent Calendar | Stocking Stuffers
$3.99 $2.99

Dear Ruth,

I’m not in the mood for Christmas. After a romantic relationship went up in flames, I returned to my hometown in rural Kansas. Then my mother passed away. I’m really busy with my job as fire marshal—and now with my mother’s advice column, which I reluctantly took over. There’s a sexy newcomer down the street, a guy with a young daughter and an unfortunate disregard for fire safety. He seems to want to be friends, but that creates problems that may be too hot for me to handle. The last things I need right now are flammable holiday decorations and too much holiday food. How am I supposed to give good advice to others when I can’t seem to get my own life straight?

—Bah Humbug in Bailey Springs

A story from the Dreamspinner Press 2017 Advent Calendar "Stocking Stuffers."


$3.99 $2.99

Eugene and the Box of Nails

2017 Advent Calendar | Stocking Stuffers
$3.99 $2.99

Every time it seems like things are looking up for Eugene Kraft, disaster hits. Bankruptcy, a bigoted sibling, and a back-breaking accident have all left him with little money and less faith in the universe.

His last-ditch effort at peace is the small lakeside property where he is building a tiny house from recycled materials. If he can get it livable before the cold sets in, maybe he’ll be okay. Hopefully Cullen, the foreman on the construction site next door, won’t notice Eugene pilfering discarded materials from his dumpster.

When Cullen stops by to talk to Eugene, he’s sure the gig is up—but all Cullen wants is a date. Can two things go right in Eugene’s life? At first it seems possible. Projects on Eugene’s house are getting completed by what he dubs “construction elves” while he’s off site. But like Eugene predicted, his good fortune can’t last, and soon he has a tough choice to make: give up his home… or the man of his dreams.

A story from the Dreamspinner Press 2017 Advent Calendar "Stocking Stuffers."


$3.99 $2.99

Paris de A à Z

Coda (Français)
$4.99 $3.74

Coda, numéro hors série
Suite de La lettre Z

Zach Mitchell et son amant Angelo Green sont en route pour Paris – en compagnie de leurs amis de Coda Matt et Jared – afin d’assister au mariage de Jon et Cole. Matt devra faire face à l’ex-amant de Jared et Angelo devra passer toute une semaine avec l’ex-petit ami de Zach. Entre la jalousie de Matt et le mauvais caractère d’Angelo, Zach se dit qu’ils auront de la chance qu’ils passent la semaine sans que l’un des fiancés se retrouve avec un bon œil au beurre noir. Mais très vite, Zach se rend compte qu’il devrait moins s’inquiéter d’Angelo et plus de lui-même. Affronter ses souvenirs doux-amers et son sentiment de culpabilité d’avoir brisé le cœur de Jon est plus difficile que prévu. Mais s’il veut un avenir avec Angelo, Zach devra trouver le moyen de surmonter son passé.


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Linear Park

States of Love
$3.99 $2.99

Sean and Nick’s life together was a fairy tale: childhood friends who became lovers, high school sweethearts who married after college, both handsome professionals. Sean always enjoyed a few drinks, but after the death of his father, his alcoholism spiraled out of control… and it cost him everything.

When Sean loses his job and becomes too surly and unreasonable to live with, Nick has little choice but to end the relationship. Sean can’t blame Nick for giving up—not after the arguments and the lies—but he longs for the happiness and love they shared before he spoiled everything. He resolves to get sober and win back his husband. But even if he wins his battle with alcoholism, will it be too late to save his marriage?

States of Love: Stories of romance that span every corner of the United States.


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Nachtisch für Zwei

Geschichten aus dem Kuriosen Kochbuch
$4.99 $3.74

Eine Geschichte aus dem Kuriosen Kochbuch

Boone Walton hat sich alle erdenkliche Mühe gegeben, seine Vergangenheit hinter sich zu lassen. Er lebt jetzt nur noch für seine Kunstgalerie in New Orleans und seine Freundschaft mit Scott Wren. Alles scheint sich langsam zu normalisieren und wieder in geregelten Bahnen zu verlaufen. Boone könnte nicht glücklicher sein.

Scott Wren, ein junger Koch und Restaurantbesitzer, möchte mehr als Freundschaft. Er will eine echte Beziehung zu Boone, doch der hat davor eine Heidenangst. Und das liegt nicht nur an dem Geist, der in Scotts Wohnung herumspukt. Es liegt auch nicht an Scotts Familie. Nein, es liegt daran, dass Boones Vergangenheit ihm einen unerwarteten Besuch abstattet. Es gibt eigentlich nichts, was sich zwischen Boone, Scott und die Mousse au Chocolate drängen kann, deren Rezept Scott in einem kuriosen, alten Kochbuch gefunden hat. Nichts, bis auf das Meer des Leidens, das Boone überqueren musste, um im Big Easy ein neues Leben zu beginnen. Doch das Rezept hat eine geheime Zutat, die in Boone ein Vertrauen und eine Liebe weckt, wie er sie bisher noch nie erfahren hat.


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World of Love | Canada - Alberta
$5.99 $4.49

What happens when the man is as tempting as the money? 

Remy Delacour’s family doesn’t believe in mainstream medicine, and when Remy’s boyfriend reveals that Remy is majoring in nursing, they cut him off. He has to find money to finish his education—fast. And he is so done with boyfriends. 

Levi Aronson met the guy of his dreams and followed him to Australia. He knew the chances for a lasting romance were slim—and boy, was he right. Now he’s back in Canada, a year behind in his university program, and short of funds. He needs money, not another man. 

Tree planting is a way to make a lot of money fast, but it’s one of the hardest jobs in the world. When Levi, an experienced planter, sees pretty, sloe-eyed Remy, Levi is certain he’ll never last. 

They’ll have to pry Remy’s shovel from his cold, stiff fingers, because he won’t quit—or let anything take his eyes off the prize. When a storm brings Remy and Levi together, each finds the other a distraction from the big goal. But can anything develop between two men who have sworn off relationships?

World of Love: Stories of romance that span every corner of the globe.


$5.99 $4.49
$4.99 $3.74

Opposites might attract, but is acting on that attraction wise? 

Librarian Tristan Cooper can’t steer clear of sexy, motorcycle-riding bad boy Phillip—the man is hot—but Phillip is bound to find quiet, bookish Tristan boring, like all Tristan’s boyfriends. Tristan yearns to explore his wild side, the part of himself he’s only allowed into his fantasies, and maybe rakish Phillip is just what he needs to feel free. 

Sexperienced hairdresser Phillip is more of a believer in happy endings than happily ever afters. Experience has taught him not to hope for more—until he meets sweet, vulnerable Tristan, who seems genuinely interested in his heart. But Phillip can’t trust enough to see himself as a man Tristan might want for more than a night. 

With the help of a pair of matchmaking grandfathers, Tristan and Phillip might find the courage to step beyond their comfort zones and discover what has been missing from their lives….


$4.99 $3.74

Train to Somewhere

Before… and After
$3.99 $2.99

A Before… and After Story

It was only a game. Wasn’t it?

At a party one night, Charlie Dean’s childhood friend Will Tucker accepts a dare and dresses up as a girl: clothes, hair, makeup. Seeing Will that way incites a riot of confused emotions in Charlie—and he responds by lashing out. He never meant to hurt Will, and now he must do some serious damage control.

During a school trip by train, Charlie and Will share a sleeper cabin. Charlie intends to mend fences, while Will figures it’s as good a time as any to broach the subjects of attraction and sexuality. They want to get their relationship back on track. But after the secrets they both reveal, their friendship can never be the same.


$3.99 $2.99
$3.99 $2.99

Hope can be found in unexpected places.

Lonely, still struggling with his divorce, and suffering from writer’s block, successful thriller author Fred spends much more time in an all-night Denny’s than is healthy for any man. It’s the last place he thought he’d meet someone like Callum, who has literally run away from the internationally famous boy band Leos.

Despite their age difference, the two become friends, and their long nights of soul-searching might help them find the courage to face their problems: Fred’s deteriorating relationship with his daughter and Callum’s career issues. It’s easy for their lives to tangle together, and each might provide the other the means to move beyond the past—even if it’s not a journey they can take together.


$3.99 $2.99


Les Gardiens des Abysses
$4.99 $3.74

Les Gardiens des Abysses, numéro hors série

Marcus Roth est un grand avocat criminel le jour et un gardien, tueur de démons, la nuit, cependant il n’est qu’un des cinq gardiens… sans réelle importance pour quiconque, hormis Joseph Locke, son foyer. Du moins, c’est ce que croit Marcus, à tort.

Lors d’un voyage à Lexington, dans le Kentucky, pour célébrer l’anniversaire du grand-père de Joe, cette conviction change quand Marcus découvre involontairement une implication paranormale et finit par révéler son identité de gardien à la famille de Joe. Faisant face à un traître, à des démons et au retour d’un vieil ennemi, Marcus doit mettre ses propres désirs de côté pour sauver ses amis – même si, en agissant ainsi, il risque de perdre l’homme qu’il aime inconditionnellement. Toutefois, survivre à l’épreuve pourrait ne pas suffire, si Marcus ne peut pas se pardonner et apprendre que son foyer, et le reste de son poing armé, ne peut pas se passer de lui.


$4.99 $3.74
$4.99 $3.74

Il paradiso può diventare un inferno.

Per molti, rimanere bloccati a Ibiza, nella villa dell’armatore Miguel García Arquero, non sarebbe poi una tragedia. Ma Hudson Barber non la pensa così. Per lui, ritrovarsi senza passaporto, in un paese straniero tanto lontano da casa, è un incubo, reso peggiore dal fatto che ne è responsabile il suo inaffidabile gemello.

Non volendo denunciare Dalvon per furto d’identità, Hudson è costretto ad aspettare, e ne approfitta per occuparsi di alcune attività di Miguel che, a causa dell’inesperienza del fratello, sono sull’orlo del fallimento. Quegli affari in perdita sono però un dono dal cielo, perché se riuscisse a riportarle in attivo, Hudson potrebbe sfruttare quell’esperienza per finire il suo master in gestione d’impresa.

Quando Miguel torna a Ibiza, invece di trovare un toy boy scopre che Hudson ha trasformato la sua fredda villa in una casa calda e accogliente. Per Miguel non ci sono dubbi: deve convincere Hudson ad abbassare le sue difese per accogliere l’amore.



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