

Meet Me in Shanghai

World of Love | China - Shanghai
$3.99 $2.99

What are the odds of meeting your perfect match in a city of twenty-four million people—halfway around the world?

Software engineer Jeff has never set foot outside North America when his company sends him to Shanghai. It’s daunting to say the least, and Jeff is soon lost. He’s rescued by Chinese American banker Greg—a man who immediately sparks Jeff’s desire. But in a city so large and chaotic, what are the chances that they’ll bump into each other again?

When they do, a vigorous friendship forms despite Greg’s devotion to his high-powered—and high-stress—career. Both men want more, but Greg never takes things further, and Jeff’s time in China is running out. Soon he has only one night left. Will it be a last night together as friends… or the beginning of something that can last despite the distance between them?

World of Love: Stories of romance that span every corner of the globe.


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Love You So Hard

The Love You So Stories

A Love You So Story

Craig Elson’s life has hit rock bottom. Even though he’s one of the best strategic planners around, a more confident guy takes credit for his work, and despite being a good-looking man, he suffers insults from the slimiest creep at the bar. Taking care of his beloved mom, who has Alzheimer’s, uses all his funds, leaving him in a plain, depressing car… and a plain, depressing life.

Until he sees gorgeous grad student Jesse Randall and his T-shirt that reads “I Would Bottom You So Hard.” The message seeps into Craig’s soul, and he asks Jesse to teach him to top.

Jesse’s had his eye on the quiet hottie who comes into the coffee shop, and he’s more than eager to perfect his tutoring. He sets out to get Craig a new job, a new apartment, and a new life so far outside plain and depressing that it’s unrecognizable.The problem is, Craig loves his lessons—and his teacher—too much to want to graduate. How can Craig reach the top without losing his sassy bottom?


Third Edition

First Edition published by Love Has No Boundaries, June 2013.

Second Edition published by Tara Lain, October 2013.


$5.99 $4.49

A volte, il giorno più bello della tua vita è quello che non avresti mai potuto immaginare.

Joe Cohen ha dedicato gli ultimi due anni a una cosa sola: accudire e nutrire Kade Bosa, suo socio nella loro agenzia investigativa, coinquilino e migliore amico. Per lui Kade rappresenta il mondo, anche se alla loro relazione manca ciò che Joe desidera di più. Ma non vuole fare pressioni: Kade ha un passato travagliato, e Joe è abbastanza certo di essere l’unica cosa che gli impedisce di crollare.

Allontanato dalla sua stessa famiglia, Joe sa bene quanto sia importante tenere strette le persone a cui si vuole bene, ma non si sarebbe mai aspettato che il suo passato e il suo presente si scontrassero, e che la stessa cosa succedesse a Kade. La prova in cui si sono imbattuti potrebbe cambiare le loro vite, dal tragico passato di Kade al loro lavoro. E potrebbe persino regalare loro il futuro che Joe non avrebbe mai osato desiderare…


$5.99 $4.49

Can a raw food enthusiast find love with a guy who bakes cupcakes?

When Micah Truveen’s devoted health-food customers start showing up with white flour, Micah wants to chew nails! To make his misery worse, he finds his yoga teacher boyfriend in bed with another guy the day before Valentine’s Day. Micah decides to drown his misery at a friend’s anti-Valentine’s Day orgiastic hookup party—and meets the beautiful Queen, a gorgeous cross-dresser who’s got Southern sugah in his mouth and the right equipment under the dress. But when the hookup turns serious, Micah has to compromise to protect Queen’s secrets from his beloved grandmother. With everything against them, can two hearts rise above the flour?


Second Edition

First Edition published by Etopia Press, January 2013.


$4.99 $3.74

On dit que les opposés s’attirent, mais est ce qu’il est intelligent de céder à cette attraction ?

Le bibliothécaire Tristan Cooper n’arrive pas à rester à l'écart de Phillip, motard rebelle et sexy – l’homme est splendide –, mais Phillip le trouve forcément studieux et ennuyeux, comme tous les petits amis de Tristan. Pourtant, il rêve d’explorer son côté sauvage, cette part de lui même qu’il ne s’autorise à vivre que dans ses fantasmes, et peut être que Phillip le débauché est exactement la personne qu’il lui faut pour se sentir libre.

Phillip, coiffeur, et sexuellement expérimenté, croit aux fins heureuses plutôt qu’aux fins heureuses jusqu’à la fin de ses jours. L’expérience lui a appris à ne pas espérer plus, jusqu’à ce qu’il rencontre le doux et vulnérable Tristan, qui semble sincèrement s’intéresser à son cœur. Mais Phillip ne se fait pas suffisamment confiance pour être l’homme que Tristan voudrait plus d’une nuit.

Avec l’aide d’un couple de grands pères cupidons, Tristan et Phillip pourraient trouver le courage de sortir de leur zone de confort pour découvrir ce qui leur a manqué toute leur vie.


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$4.99 $3.74

Weber Yates’s Traum berühmt zu werden, ist im Begriff, sich auf einen Job als Ranchhelfer in Texas zu reduzieren. Seine einzige Beziehung besteht zu einem Mann, der für ihn eigentlich so weit außerhalb seiner Reichweite ist wie der Mond. Oder zumindest wie San Fransisco, wo Weber einen Zwischenstopp einlegt. Er will ihn ein letztes Mal sehen, bevor er sich mit dem einfachen, einsamen Leben abfindet, dass ein Frosch wie er seiner Meinung nach verdient hat. 

Cyrus Benning ist ein erfolgreicher Neurochirurg. Details entgehen ihm daher nie. Vom ersten Tag an hat er den Prinz in der Kleidung des gescheiterten Bullenreiters erkannt. Doch dabei zuzusehen, wie Web ihn stets auf Neue verlässt, wird immer schwerer und er ist nicht sicher, wie viel sein Herz noch ertragen kann. Jetzt hat Cyrus eine letzte Chance, Weber zu beweisen, dass es nicht dessen Job ist, der ihn zu Cyrus perfektem Mann macht, sondern Weber selbst. Mit der Hilfe der vor kurzem zerbrochenen Familie seiner Schwester ist er bereit, Weber zu zeigen, dass das Heim, das der Mann immer gesucht hat, schon immer genau hier – bei ihm – war. Cyrus hat vielleicht einmal ein Ultimatum gestellt, doch jetzt hat es sich zu einem Schwur gewandelt: Er wird Weber nie wieder aus seinem Leben lassen.


$4.99 $3.74

Il fuoco del perdono

Il fuoco | Libro 3
$3.99 $2.99

Seguito di Il fuoco del coraggio

I vigili del fuoco Lee Stanton e Dirk Krause hanno bisogno di una vacanza. Il lavoro sembra cospirare contro di loro e il giorno precedente la partenza devono combattere contro un incendio che reclama tre vite. Per fortuna, Lee e Dirk hanno una settimana intera in mare aperto per riprendersi. 

Tutto va alla grande, finché non incontrano sulla nave proprio il padre di Dirk, un uomo infelice e dalle vedute ristrette. Tra la presenza del padre e il senso di colpa per le vite che non è riuscito a salvare, Dirk è certo che la sua crociera romantica sarà un fiasco. Ma salvare la vita di un passeggero gli permetterà anche di salvare un rapporto che credeva compromesso.


$3.99 $2.99

War Paint

States of Love
$3.99 $2.99

There’s an art to love.

Mural artist Ben has come from Tel Aviv to Atlanta to work on a commission. A successful artist, he’s still lonely and isolated after his family’s rejection. Ben is charmed and surprised when local soldier Eli mistakes him for homeless, and brings him a cup of coffee and a biscuit. This gesture opens the door. Eli is lost, trying to make sense of a future without the Army after a combat injury ends his career.

Art gives them a new language and a path forward. But lost men can reach out, desperate to hang on to anyone close. Is what they find together real, and the kind of love that will last?

States of Love: Stories of romance that span every corner of the United States.


$3.99 $2.99
$4.99 $3.74

Le loup-garou Falco Gladstone avait su que Carter McCloud était son âme sœur quand ils étaient en cinquième, mais l’école et le système de foyers d’accueil les avaient séparés brutalement. Des années plus tard, Falco est le numéro deux de sa meute dans le Michigan, au service d’un oncle qui se soucie davantage de son pouvoir que du bien-être de leur peuple. L’alpha ordonne à Falco de se marier et d’avoir une descendance – mais Falco a déjà trouvé son âme sœur, et les âmes sœurs sont éternelles.

La vie solitaire de Carter est bouleversée quand il détecte une odeur familière apportée par le vent. Les âmes sœurs se sont peut-être retrouvées, mais leur bonheur éternel est loin d’être garanti. L’engagement de Falco envers Carter le met en désaccord avec les plans de son oncle, mais quand un des exécuteurs de l’alpha commence à prendre le couple en filature, quelque chose doit être fait. Quelque chose qui renforcera leur relation ou la détruira une fois pour toutes.


$4.99 $3.74

In the Desert

States of Love
$4.99 $3.74

Can a Navajo trans teen and a nerdy Catholic find the place they belong... and maybe themselves? In the desert, anything is possible…. 

When Wren came out as transgender before his senior year, it cost him most of his friends. His father hopes joining a Boy Scout troop might help Wren meet other young men his age and be accepted for who he is.

Felipe Nieves wants the new guy in the troop to feel comfortable, and he reaches out to Wren. They become fast friends… with something more beneath the surface. Those feelings confuse Felipe, since his religion considers this a sin—and he’s always assumed he was straight—but he can’t help pining for Wren. Asking him out will take courage, and getting together won’t be easy… but through their friendship, both young men might find their identities… and learn to embrace them in a unique coming-of-age story set against the beauty of the American Southwest.

States of Love: Stories of romance that span every corner of the United States.


$4.99 $3.74
$4.99 $3.74

A Nick and Ben Story

Having explosive sex is easy for Nick and Ben—getting past their hang-ups and opening up to each other won’t be.

Handsome New York City bartender Nick might’ve left life—and his abusive, homophobic father—in West Virginia far behind, but even though he was a star quarterback in high school, he can’t outrun the effect those years had on him. He’s still not comfortable as a gay man, and he keeps his relationships short… as in a single night.

Hotel reviewer Ben is a hopeless romantic, but he can’t seem to find a guy who feels the same. After being cheated on again, he doesn’t expect to spend forever with Nick, but even their one-nighter doesn’t go off without a hitch. Ben falls asleep on Nick’s couch, and in the morning, they have to face their hookup that wasn’t…and the fact that there’s a connection between them whether they’re looking for one or not.


$4.99 $3.74

Les jours bleus

Histoires de mangrove
$3.99 $2.99

Histoires de mangrove

Tomber amoureux d’un collègue est rarement une bonne idée, surtout pour un homme qui obtient une dernière chance de sauver sa carrière. Mais dès l’instant où Dwyer Knolls rencontre le beau Takeo Hiroyuki, socialement inadapté, il semble destiné à ne prendre que de mauvaises décisions.

La vie de Takeo est une série d’échecs pour tenter de plaire à son père, un Japonais très conservateur. Malheureusement, prendre sa succession dans les affaires s’avère aussi difficile pour Takeo que de devenir hétéro. En fait, il n’excelle que dans un domaine : remarquer Dwyer Knolls.

Quand Dwyer et Takeo se rendent à Mangrove, en Floride, pour un voyage d’affaires en vue d’acheter un domaine, leur amitié hésitante s’enflamme et prend une tout autre dimension. Leur soudaine connexion sera-t-elle suffisamment solide pour jouer leur futur, ou devraient-ils mettre cela sur le compte d’un étourdissement inspiré par la brise bleue de l’océan ?


$3.99 $2.99

Volley Balls

Balls to the Wall

2nd Edition

A Balls to the Wall Romance

A "pumped up" version of the Volley Balls story, twice as long as the original.

 A double dose of alpha male might be better than one.

Despite just getting out of an abusive relationship with an asshole alpha, David Underwood’s wandering glance lands on two hot members of the Australian volleyball team on Laguna Beach and gets him harassed again. Still, when the delicious Gareth Marshall proves his interest by coming out to his team, David succumbs to his attraction. But Gareth’s volleyball partner, Edge, who’s equally hot, makes the lovers’ lives miserable.

For Gareth, a lifetime of hiding his orientation—and his attraction—from his best friend, Edge, as well as everyone else around him, adds up to hurt and frustration. David’s the first man to ever compete with Edge for Gareth’s passion. But Edge has secrets of his own, and David’s ex-lover will never be happy without David under his fist. With everything stacked against him, can a gay Laguna man find happiness with an alpha male–or two?

First Edition published by Etopia Press, 2011.


Un semplice dessert

Il curioso ricettario di Nonna B
$3.99 $2.99

Un libro della serie Il curioso ricettario di Nonna B

Boone Walton ce l’ha messa tutta per mettere un po’ di distanza tra lui e il suo passato. Ha investito nella sua nuova vita, nella sua galleria d’arte a New Orleans e nella sua amicizia con Scott Wren. Tutto sembra sistemato e Boone non potrebbe essere più felice della ritrovata normalità.

Lo chef Scott Wren vuole qualcosa di più della semplice normalità con Boone. Vuole far fare un passo avanti al loro rapporto, ma l’amico è spaventato, e non a causa dei fantasmi che infestano l’appartamento di Scott o della sua famiglia. No, il passato di Boone sta per fargli visita, e l’unica cosa che potrebbe mettersi tra lui, Scott e la strana ricetta di una mousse al cioccolato trovata in un curioso ricettario è il fiume di sofferenza che Boone ha dovuto attraversare per arrivare a New Orleans. C’è però un segreto dietro agli ingredienti, un segreto che potrebbe far emergere la verità e l’amore che sono sempre mancati nella vita di Boone. 


$3.99 $2.99
$4.99 $3.74

High school best friends Toby Billings and Jim Maverick went their separate ways after graduation. Five years later, they meet by chance. Toby needs a ride, and Jim offers to give him one.

During a journey across several states, with stops at roadside diners, state parks, and cheap motels, small talk turns to serious discussions of lives that didn’t turn out the way either of them dreamed. Their choices are catching up to them, and neither is on an innocent summer vacation. Renewing their friendship will mean painful admissions and secrets coming to light. Yet they discover they have more in common now than they ever guessed, and going their separate ways at the trip’s end won’t be easy.

After aimlessly wandering the country, all roads lead back home. But first they must decide what home means.


$4.99 $3.74

Going Off Grid

States of Love
$3.99 $2.99

Clay and Elliott are working toward a dream—working sixty-hour weeks for one of the oil companies that recently sprung up in North Dakota. The pay is good, but is it a fair trade for never seeing each other? The point becomes moot when the company folds, like so many others, and the couple is left with a difficult choice.

Should they find comparable work somewhere else, or is it time to throw caution to the wind and go after their goal—years earlier than they intended?

What they’ve always wanted is to be together and have time to enjoy it, so they follow their hearts. They’re going off the grid and fixing up an old cabin so they can be self-sufficient. But when they go from all the conveniences of the modern world to outhouses, solar power, a shoestring budget, and more mosquitos than they ever thought possible, will they find there’s such a thing as too much time together?

States of Love: Stories of romance that span every corner of the United States.


$3.99 $2.99
$4.99 $3.74

A single moment—or a single mistake—can change everything.

When Captain James Lee Hooker and his lover, Sergeant Easy Jacobs, were in the Army, they made a mistake that got a young soldier hurt. Three years later, they’re civilians again, living far apart, haunted by what they lost. Now that young soldier needs their help.

With his grandmother’s one-eyed Chihuahua riding shotgun, James Lee climbs into Easy’s pickup for a trip across the American Southwest. They set out to rescue a friend, but their journey transforms them with the power of forgiveness.


$4.99 $3.74

Sieg über das Feuer

im Feuer | Buch 3
$3.99 $2.99

Fortsetzung zu Gestählt im Feuer
Buch 3 in der Serie - im Feuer

Die beiden Feuerwehrmänner Lee Stanton und Dirk Krause sind urlaubsreif. Doch das Leben hat andere Pläne: An ihrem letzten Arbeitstag haben die beiden mit einem Feuer zu kämpfen, das drei Leben fordert. Wie gut, dass Lee und Dirk eine ganze Woche auf hoher See vor sich haben, um sich von dem Schrecken zu erholen. 

Sie haben eine tolle Zeit – bis sie feststellen müssen, dass auch Dirks miesepetriger, engstirniger Vater an Bord ist. Über dessen Anwesenheit und den Schuldgefühlen wegen der Menschen, die er nicht retten konnte, vergeht Dirk die romantische Stimmung gehörig. Doch dann rettet er einem Passagier das Leben – und vielleicht kann er ja auch noch etwas anderes retten …


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