The Summer Gardener

By Jan Irving

The Summer Gardener
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  • Release Date
  • Type Novellas
  • Pages 104
  • ISBN-13 978-1-61581-229-5
  • SKU 1579
  • File Formats epub, pdf
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Alejandro Moreno drops out of college and puts aside his dream of a degree in landscape design to take care of his mother and younger brother. Then he gets the chance to restore a strange and unpopular patch of land with an uncanny inhabitant—Fane, a prickly fairy.

At first, Alejo isn’t thrilled to share the space with the annoying fae, but as they work together on the neglected garden, both men discover they have two things in common: a love for working with the natural world and loneliness. But how can Alejo handle feelings for not just another man, but one who isn’t human at all?

Cover Artist: DWS Photography

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Genres Fantasy / Fantasy Romance / Gay