Settling Down

By Nicole Forcine

Settling Down
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  • Release Date
  • Type Novellas
  • Words 30,959
  • Pages 97
  • ISBN-13 978-1-63477-324-9
  • File Formats epub, pdf
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Little Earthquakes: Book Two

It’s been six months since Tim and Jae got together, and they’re giving Domestic Discipline an honest try. But when conflicting events conspire to interrupt their life, Tim starts to fray at the edges. He’s doing his best to handle everything, but he still struggles with unaddressed issues, both past and present. And seeing Tim trying to hold it together is breaking Jae’s heart.

There has to be a breaking point, and when it arrives, it’s Jae’s turn to take the reins, to provide them both with what they truly need.

Cover Artist: AngstyG


Genres Contemporary Romance / Erotic Romance / Gay