Results for "C. Kennedy" (12)



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A Harmony Ink Press Title

They met at ten, kissed at twelve, and were madly in love by eighteen.

Caleb Deering is the captain of the swim team and the hottest senior in school. He comes from a loving home with a kind father and a caring, but strict mother who is battling breast cancer. Nico Caro is small and beautiful, and has a father who rules with an iron fist—literally.

One morning Caleb forgets himself, and he pecks Nico on the lips at school. A teacher sees them and tattles to the headmaster. The accidental outing at school might be the least of their problems, because the ball set in motion by the school’s calls to their parents could get Nico killed. In the face of that very real danger, Caleb knows he has only one mission in life: to keep Nico safe.

2nd Edition
1st Edition published by No Boundaries Press, April 2012.


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Elpida | Book Two
$6.99 $3.49

A Harmony Ink Press Title

Elpida: Book Two

High school senior Michael Sattler leads a charmed life. Almost. He has great friends, parents who love him just the way he is, and he was a champion hurdler until someone took out his knee when they kidnapped his boyfriend. Yet, Michael is determined to make the USATF tryouts in spite of his injuries.

Christy Castle is Michael’s entire world. Healing from years of abuse, his abduction by a predator has left him hiding a new secret as he tries to start his life again. Together, Michael and Christy work to recover from their wounds in time to make prom and graduate high school. To complicate matters, Christy is astonished to learn a fellow victim from his native Greece has survived. Christy will stop at nothing to bring him to the US to keep him safe.

But the prosecution of Christy’s kidnapper looms large in their futures and the struggle to return to normal only worsens. Christy's past continues to haunt them and, when the prosecution turns ugly and Christy’s new life is torn apart, only their unrelenting courage and determination can save them from the nightmare that threatens to destroy their future together.


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$6.99 $3.49

A Harmony Ink Press Title

Follow the burgeoning love of two teens during the worst year of their lives. Irish-born Declan David de Quirke II is the son of two ambassadors, one Irish and one American. He is ‘out’ to his parents but to no one else. French-born Jean Isidore de Sauveterre is also the son of two ambassadors, one Catalan and one Parisian. His four half brothers have been told to cure him of his homosexuality. Both teens have lost a parent in a London car bombing.

Declan and Isidore meet at the beginning of their senior year at a private academy in the United States. Declan is immediately smitten with Isidore and becomes his knight in shining armor. Isidore wants to keep what is left of his sanity and needs Declan’s love to do it. One is beaten, one is drugged, one is nearly raped, one has been raped. They are harassed by professors and police, and have fights at school, but none of it compares to running for their lives. When the headmaster’s popular son attempts suicide and someone tries to assassinate Declan’s mother, they are thrown headlong into chaos, betrayal, conspiracy, allegations of sexual coercion, even murder. And one of them carries a secret that may get them killed.


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Elpida | Book One
2014 Award Winners
$6.99 $3.49

A Harmony Ink Press Title

Elpida: Book One

High school senior Michael Sattler leads a charmed life. He’s a star athlete, has great friends, and parents who love him just the way he is. What’s missing from his life is a boyfriend. That’s a problem because he’s out only to his parents and best friend. When Michael accidentally bumps into Christy Castle at school, his life changes in ways he never imagined. Christy is Michael’s dream guy: smart, pretty, and sexy. But nothing could have prepared Michael for what being Christy's boyfriend would entail.

Christy needs to heal after years of abuse and knows he needs help to do it. After the death of his notorious father, he leaves his native Greece and settles in upstate New York. Alone, afraid, and left without a voice, Christy hides the myriad scars of his abuse. He desperately wants to be loved and when he meets Michael, he dares to hope that day has arrived. When one of Michael’s teammates turns enemy, and an abuser from Christy’s past seeks to return him to a life of slavery, only Michael and Christy's combined strength and unwavering determination can save them from the violence that threatens to destroy their future together.


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Elpida | Book Three
$6.99 $3.49

Elpida: Book Three

Michael and Christy attended prom, graduated high school, and Michael leads the USATF tryouts. With Oxford University on the horizon, his future looks bright, and he believes life has returned to normal after Christy’s rescue. He couldn’t be more wrong.

Christy has been free from a life of slavery for more than a year and has made remarkable progress due in no small part to the love he found with Michael. But the recent prosecution of a past abuser has shattered the life he so painstakingly built out of nothing but a mountain of horror. He now faces the daunting task of building a new life—yet again.

Twelve-year-old Thimi has been missing since Christy left Greece and, unbeknownst to everyone, has hidden out in a vacant mansion in Glyfada. Learning of Christy’s survival is the only thing that brings him out of hiding. People, open spaces, even the most common of sounds frighten him beyond reason. A mere ghost of a boy, Thimi arrives in the US with no knowledge of the outside world—the only constant in his life a purple marble.

Lost, shattered, and afraid, only hope gives them the strength and courage they need to begin anew.


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Thárros (Français)

Elpida (Français) | Tome 2
$6.99 $3.49

Un livre de Harmony Ink Press

Elpida, tome 2

Lycéen de dernière année, Michael Sattler mène une vie de rêve. Ou presque. Il a de bons amis, des parents qui l’aiment tel qu’il est et c’était un champion de courses de haies jusqu’à ce que quelqu’un abîme son genou lors du kidnapping de son petit-ami. Pourtant, Michael est déterminé, malgré sa blessure, à faire partie des sélectionnés pour l’USATF.

Christy Castle représente tout pour Michael. Guérissant après des années d’abus et après son enlèvement par un prédateur, il se retrouve à cacher un nouveau secret bien qu’il essaie de se reconstruire une vie. Ensemble, Michael et Christy tentent de se remettre de leurs blessures à temps pour aller au bal de promotion et obtenir leur diplôme d’études secondaires. Pour compliquer les choses, Christy est étonné d’apprendre qu’un de ses compagnons, victime également, a survécu. Il ne reculera devant rien pour le faire venir aux États-Unis afin de le mettre en sécurité.

Mais le procès du kidnappeur de Christy occupe une place importante dans leurs vies et sa lutte pour qu’elle devienne normale ne fait qu’empirer. Son passé continue de les hanter. Lorsque le procès tourne mal et que la nouvelle vie de Christy s’effondre, seuls leur courage implacable et leur détermination pourront les sauver du cauchemar qui menace de détruire leur avenir commun.


$6.99 $3.49

Omorphi (Français)

Elpida (Français) | Tome 1
$6.99 $3.49

Un livre de Harmony Ink Press

Elpida, tome 1

Élève de terminale, Michael Sattler mène une vie de rêve. C'est un athlète vedette accompli, il a de bons amis, et des parents qui l'aiment exactement comme il est. La seule chose qui manque dans sa vie c’est un petit ami. C'est un problème parce qu'il n'a avoué son homosexualité qu’à ses parents et à son meilleur ami. Lorsqu’il heurte accidentellement Christy Castle à l'école, sa vie change d'une façon qu'il n'aurait jamais pu imaginer. Christy est l'homme de ses rêves : intelligent, beau, et sexy. Cependant, rien n'aurait pu préparer Michael à ce qu’entraînerait le fait d’être le petit ami de Christy.

Christy a besoin de se reconstruire après des années d'abus, et il sait qu'il a besoin d'aide pour le faire. Après la mort de son père tristement célèbre, il quitte sa Grèce natale et s'installe dans l'État de New York. Seul, effrayé, et incapable d'utiliser sa voix, Christy cache la myriade de cicatrices de sa maltraitance. Il veut désespérément être aimé et lorsqu’il rencontre Michael, il ose espérer que ce jour est enfin arrivé.

Lorsque l'un des coéquipiers de Michael devient un ennemi, et qu’un des agresseurs du passé de Christy cherche à le ramener à une vie d'esclavage, seules leurs forces combinées et leur détermination inébranlable pourront les sauver de la violence qui menace de détruire leur avenir ensemble.


$6.99 $3.49

Elpída (Français)

Elpida (Français) | Tome 3
$6.99 $3.49

Elpida, tome 3

Michael et Christy sont allés au bal, ils ont obtenu leur diplôme, et Michael a remporté les épreuves de sélection de l’USATF. Avec l’Université d’Oxford qui se profile à l’horizon, son avenir est prometteur et il croit que la vie a repris son cours normal après le sauvetage de Christy d’un de ses agresseurs du passé – il ne pourrait pas avoir plus tort. 

Christy a été libéré d’une vie d’esclavage depuis un an et a fait de remarquables progrès, en grande partie grâce à l’amour qu’il a trouvé auprès de Michael. Mais le récent procès d’un de ses bourreaux a brisé la vie qu’il a si laborieusement construite à partir de rien, à part une incommensurable suite d’horreurs. Il doit maintenant faire face à la lourde tâche de se reconstruire une nouvelle fois. 

Thimi, âgé de douze ans, a disparu depuis que Christy a quitté la Grèce et, à l’insu de tous, il s’est réfugié dans un manoir vide de Glyfada. C’est seulement en apprenant la survie de Christy qu’il sort de sa cachette. Les gens, les espaces ouverts, même le plus anodin des bruits lui font peur au-delà de toute raison. À peine plus vivant qu’un fantôme, Thimi arrive aux États-Unis sans aucune connaissance du monde extérieur – la seule constante dans sa vie se réduisant à une bille en marbre violet. 

Perdus, brisés et apeurés, seul l’espoir leur donnera la force et le courage dont ils ont besoin pour recommencer leurs vies.


$6.99 $3.49

The Red Sheet

2014 Award Winners
$6.99 $3.49

A Harmony Ink Press Title

With a foreword by C. Kennedy

One October morning, high school junior Bryan Dennison wakes up a different person—helpful, generous, and chivalrous—a person whose new admirable qualities he doesn’t recognize. Stranger still is the urge to tie a red sheet around his neck like a cape.

Bryan soon realizes this compulsion to wear a red cape is accompanied by more unusual behavior. He can’t hold back from retrieving kittens from tall trees, helping little old ladies cross busy streets, and defending innocence anywhere he finds it.

Shockingly, at school, he realizes he used to be a bully. He’s attracted to the former victim of his bullying, Scott Beckett, though he has no memory of Scott from before “the change.” Where he’d been lazy in academics, overly aggressive in sports, and socially insecure, he’s a new person. And although he can recall behaving egotistically, he cannot remember his motivations.

Everyone, from his mother to his teachers to his “superjock” former pals, is shocked by his dramatic transformation. However, Scott Beckett is not impressed by Bryan’s newfound virtue. And convincing Scott he’s genuinely changed and improved, hopefully gaining Scott’s trust and maybe even his love, becomes Bryan’s obsession.


$6.99 $3.49

Into the Wind

Mermen of Ea Trilogy | Book Two
$6.99 $3.49

With a foreword by C. Kennedy.

Sequel to Stealing the Wind
Mermen of Ea: Book Two

Since learning of his merman shifter heritage, Taren has begun building a life with Ian Dunaidh among the mainland Ea. But memories of his past life still haunt him, and as the threat of war with the hostile island merfolk looms ever closer, Taren fears he will lose Ian the same way he lost his beloved centuries before. Together they sail to the Gateway Islands in search of the fabled rune stone—a weapon of great power the Ea believe will protect them—and Odhrán, the pirate rumored to possess it.

After humans attack the Phantom, Taren finds himself washed up on an island, faced with a mysterious boy named Brynn who promises to lead him to Odhrán. But Taren isn’t sure if he can trust Brynn, and Odhrán is rumored to enslave Ea to protect his stronghold. Taren will have to put his life on the line to find his way back to Ian and attempt to recover the stone. Even if he does find it, his troubles are far from over: he and Ian are being stalked by an enemy who wants them dead at all costs.


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High school senior Michael Sattler leads a charmed life, but that changes in ways he never imagined when he bumps into Christy Castle at school. Alone and afraid, Christy needs to heal after years of abuse and needs Michael’s help to do it. Together, they face enemies and survivors in need of protection. In a world where abuse remains a hushed and denied crime, only Michael and Christy’s unrelenting strength and determination can stop the violence that threatens to annihilate their hope and destroy their future together.

