Quiet Nights

By Mary Calmes

Quiet Nights
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  • Release Date
  • Type Novellas
  • Pages 80
  • ISBN-13 978-1-63476-032-4
  • SKU 6022
  • File Formats epub, pdf, zip
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Mangrove Stories

It’s a lovely little life Kelly Seaton leads. He’s got his own landscaping business, a nice little house, and his best friend, Cosimo Renaldi, and Coz’s goofball family who have adopted Kelly as their own. Sure, it’s a little lonely at night, but it’s a sweet deal, and Kelly can’t chance ruining it by letting on that he wants more—has always wanted more—with Coz.

Then Kelly’s past comes to town, bringing bad memories and hurt feelings that start to break Kelly down, and Coz just doesn’t understand why Kelly won’t let him be the support and strength that Kelly’s always been for him. They’ve already been through war, Coz’s devastating injury, and starting new careers in Mangrove, Florida. Why shouldn’t they face their chaotic pasts and build their future of quiet nights… together?

Cover Artist: Reese Dante


Genres Contemporary Romance / Gay