Paranormal Romance books


Just Calamarried

Sucker For Love Mysteries | Book 5
$6.99 $5.24

Newlyweds Sloane and Loch are eagerly expecting their first child, though for Sloane that excitement is tempered by pregnancy side effects. Carrying a god’s baby would be enough to deal with, especially with the whole accelerated gestation thing, but it’s not like Sloane can take maternity leave. He works for himself as a private investigator. Which leads him to his next case.

At least this strange new mystery distracts him from the stress of constant puking.

When two priests are murdered within hours of each other, a woman named Daphne hires Sloane and Loch to track down the prime suspect—her brother—before the police do. Between untangling a conspiracy of lies and greed, going toe-to-toe with a gangster, and stealing a cat, they hardly have time to decorate a nursery…. 


$6.99 $5.24

Amour tentaqueulaire

L'amour, toujours | Tome 1
$6.99 $5.24

Rien ne rapproche aussi bien deux hommes – ou plutôt un homme et un immortel – que la vengeance.

Sloane, détective privé, a sacrifié sa carrière dans les Forces de l’Ordre pour traquer le meurtrier de ses parents. Comme eux, il croit en des dieux oubliés, il pratique leur magie et leur offre ses prières… sans jamais obtenir de réponse.


Azaethoth le Petit, dieu des voleurs et des escrocs, prend soin des siens. Il vient sur terre pour venger le meurtre d’un de ses favoris et peut-être séduire le très tentant détective que le destin a mis sur son chemin. S’il réussit dans ses projets, il ne s’agira pas seulement d’attraper un tueur pour le remettre à la justice. En fait, Azaethoth est sûr d’avoir enfin trouvé celui avec lequel il aimerait passer sa vie éternelle.

La résistance initiale de Sloane cède devant la tendresse inattendue d’Azaethoth, et les tentacules qu’il aperçoit parfois sous l’apparence humaine du dieu enflamment son imagination. Mais leur enquête devient de plus en plus étrange et dangereuse. Pour survivre à la bataille finale, le couple aura besoin d’un peu de foi… et beaucoup de lumière mystique.


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$9.99 $7.49

Können ein verzweifelter Magier und ein verbitterter, desillusionierter Vampir einen Weg finden, Partner zu werden und ihre Welt zu retten? In einer Welt, in der ein Krieg der Magier tobt, werden Vampire von vielen als minderwertig angesehen, als die stereotypischen Geschöpfe der Nacht, denen die Menschen zum Opfer fallen. Doch der Krieg wird immer bedrohlicher, sodass die Magier und Vampire eine Allianz schmieden, die auf Partnerschaften des Blutes und der Magie gründet. Sie hoffen, damit dem Krieg gegen die dunklen Magier eine entscheidende Wendung geben zu können. Während der Krieg immer brutaler wird und sich auf beiden Seiten die Verluste häufen, suchen die dunklen Magier nach Wegen, die Allianz zu zerstören. Derweil durchforsten die Blutspartner alte Quellen, um hinter den Vorurteilen und Legenden das entscheidende Quäntchen Wahrheit zu finden, das die Geschicke des Krieges endgültig zu ihren Gunsten wenden kann.


$9.99 $7.49
$6.99 $5.24

Professor Victor Itoua has two passions: the legend of Philli-philli… and PhD candidate Jordan Harris. But while ethics rules and his own doubts keep him from admitting, much less acting on, his feelings for Jordan, nothing can stop him from researching the Philli-philli.
Even if it means the torture of spending six months in the Peruvian rainforest, searching for an elusive, possibly mythical guardian with the man he loves and can’t have.

For Jordan, with his history of abuse and abandonment, Victor is the one good, constant thing in his life. When Victor asks him to come to Peru, Jordan packs his bag, prepared to follow Victor anywhere the legends take them.
Then, in a remote village, Jordan and Victor meet T’ukri.

T’ukri is shaken when he realizes who the outsiders are and what they are looking for. Though he agrees to guide them on their quest, he is drawn by a deeper calling. But the more he shares with Victor and Jordan, the more questions they have—questions whose answers require him to reveal secrets that could mean his death should the men he is falling in love with betray his trust….


$6.99 $5.24

Heartbeats in a Haunted House

Hedge Witches Lonely Hearts Club | Book Four
$4.99 $3.74

Dante Vianelli and Cully Cromwell have been in love since college, when Dante saved Cully from the world’s worst roommate and introduced him to his friends. Seven years later, they’re still roommates and they’re still in love… but they’ve never become lovers.

Now a catastrophic spell gone wrong has cut them off from their coven. Wandering their suburban prison alone, separated by the walls of their own minds and gaps in the space-time continuum, Cully and Dante are as stuck as they have been for the past seven years.
And they’ll remain lost in their memories—unless they confront the truths that kept them from taking the step from friends to lovers and trust their friends and coven to get them out. But it’s easier said than done. Those walls didn’t build themselves. Dante’s great at denial, and Cully’s short on trust. Can they do the work it will take to get into each other’s arms and back to the sunlight where they belong?


$4.99 $3.74
$6.99 $5.24

Als persönlicher Assistent hat Sam Coleman ein Händchen für alles: Hausarbeit, Gartenpflege, Buchhaltung. Der Haken? Es ist eine Betrugsmasche.

Ed Simons, sein neuester millionenschwerer Arbeitgeber, hat keine Ahnung, dass es sich bei Sam Goldman um eine Art modernen Robin Hood handelt, der im Auftrag reiche Fieslinge ausnimmt. Zugegeben, Sam behält das Geld für sich, seine Komplizen und seine echten Arbeitgeber, aber zumindest bestehlen sie nur schlechte Menschen.

Bis er den liebenswerten, ungeschickten Ed kennenlernt, der kein einziges Laster zu haben scheint. Was für ein Pech, dass ihn seine Auftraggeber nicht aussteigen lassen. Sie wollen Eds Geld und drohen Sam und seinen Freunden, um es zu bekommen.

Nachdem Ed jahrelang alle Menschen auf Abstand hielt, lässt er sich von Sams Charme erweichen – nur um festzustellen, dass ihre angehende Beziehung ein Schwindel war. Sam ist nicht der, für den Ed ihn hielt, doch Ed hat ebenfalls ein finsteres Geheimnis: Er ist ein Vampir. Und jemand versucht, ihm eine Reihe blutiger Morde anzuhängen.

Die echten Schurken zwingen sie zu einer Entscheidung: Wollen sie zusammenarbeiten, einander vertrauen und den zwischen ihnen aufkeimenden Gefühlen nachgeben … oder wird alles, was sie haben könnten, wie die Leichen zu ihren Füßen verbluten?


$6.99 $5.24

Nautilus Than Perfect

Sucker For Love Mysteries | Book 4
$6.99 $5.24

Detective Elwood Q. Chase has ninety-nine problems, and the unexpected revelation that his partner is a god is only one of them.

Chase has been in love with Benjamin Merrick for years and has resigned himself to a life of unrequited pining. But when they run afoul of a strange cult, Merrick’s secret identity as Gordoth the Untouched slips out… and so do Chase’s feelings. The timing can’t be helped, but now Merrick thinks Chase only cares about him because he’s a god.

Even more unfortunately, it turns out the cultists want to perform a ritual to end the world. Chase’s mission to convince Merrick his feelings predate any divine revelations takes a back seat to a case tangled with murder and lies, but Chase doesn’t give up. Once he finds out there’s a chance Merrick feels the same way, he digs in his heels. Suddenly he’s trying to court a god and save the world at the same time. What could possibly go wrong?


$6.99 $5.24

Pentacles and Pelting Plants

Hedge Witches Lonely Hearts Club | Book Three
Dreamspun Beyond
$4.99 $3.74

Hedge Witches Lonely Hearts Club: Book Three

A month ago, Jordan Bryne and his coven of hedge witches cast a spell that went hideously wrong and captured two of their number in a pocket of space and time. The magic is beyond their capabilities to unravel so, in desperation, they send up a beacon for supernatural aid.

They don’t mean to yank someone to their doorstep from hundreds of miles away.

Once Macklin Quintero gets past his irritation, he accepts the challenge. The tiny coven in the Sierra foothills is a group of the sweetest people he’s ever met, and he’s worried—the forces they’ve awakened won’t go back in their bottle without a fight.

But he also wants to get closer to Jordan. Mack’s been playing the field for years, but he’s never before encountered somebody so intense and dedicated.

Jordan might quietly yearn for love, but right now he’s got other priorities. The magic in the cul-de-sac doesn't care about Jordan’s priorities, though. Apparently the only way for the hedge witches to fix what they broke is to confront their hearts’ desires head-on.


$4.99 $3.74

By the Red Moonlight

Moonlight Prophecies | Book One
$6.99 $5.24

Moonlight Prophecies: Book One

Alpha werewolf, crime boss, and secret Seer Bashir Bain is neck-deep in negotiating a marriage of convenience with a neighboring alpha when a tense situation goes from bad to worse. A job applicant at one of Bash’s businesses—a guy who was supposed to be a simple ex-cop, ex-con tattoo artist—suddenly turns up undead.

A rogue newborn vampire would have been a big wrench in Bash’s plans even without his attraction to the man. After all, new vampires are under their sire’s control, and Ethan Lambert doesn’t even know who turned him. When Bash spares his life, he opens himself up for mutiny, a broken engagement, and an unexpected—and risky—relationship.

Ethan just wants a fresh start after being released from prison. Before he can get it, he’ll need to turn private investigator to find out who sired him and what he wants. And he’d better do it quick, because the moon is full, and according to Bash’s prophecy, life and death hang in the balance.


$6.99 $5.24

Head Over Tentacles

Sucker For Love Mysteries | Book 3
$6.99 $5.24

A Sucker For Love Mystery

Private investigator Sloane Beaumont should be enjoying his recent engagement to eldritch god Azaethoth the Lesser, AKA Loch. Unfortunately, he doesn’t have time for a pre-honeymoon period.

The trouble starts with a deceptively simple missing persons case. That leads to the discovery of mass kidnappings, nefarious secret experiments, and the revelation that another ancient god is trying to bring about the end of the world by twisting humans into an evil army.

Just another day at the office.

Sloane does his best to juggle wedding planning, stopping his fiancé from turning the mailman inside out, and meeting his future godly in-laws while working the case, but they're also being hunted by a strange young man with incredible abilities. With the wedding date looming closer, Sloane and Loch must combine their powers to discover the truth—because it’s not just their own happy-ever-after at stake, but the fate of the world….


$6.99 $5.24

Were-Geeks Save the Middle of Nowhere

Were-Geeks Save the World | Book Three
$6.99 $5.24

Were-Geeks Save the World: Book Three

Into every generation is born a really scary relative. In this case, it’s Walter Chen’s aunt, who puts the spirit of a Chinese chaos god into his body. At first he doesn’t notice because he’s focused on shooting his indie film in Nowhere, Wisconsin, but pretty soon he’s doing amazing kung fu. Cool!

Bing Zhi Hao was Walter’s lead actor and best friend until he disappeared to become a werewolf and save the world. Now he’s back and trying to make amends… except his shy roommate isn’t quiet anymore. In fact, he’s downright scary.

Bing figures out the demigod is taking over Walter—body, mind, and soul. Soon the man Bing loves will be gone and chaos incarnate will be born on earth. He has to convince Walter to fight off the possession and return to the man he was. But what can he offer a god to convince him to remain a man?


$6.99 $5.24

Cofanetto Scheletri

Serie Scheletri
$9.99 $7.49

Il silenzioso e magrolino Dylan Warner era il classico tipo che passava inosservato finché un’avventura di una notte non lo ha trasformato in un lupo mannaro. Ora, nonostante quel piccolo inconveniente peloso, vuole solo vivere una vita normale, anche se solitaria, facendo l’architetto. Cerca di tenere sotto controllo i suoi impulsi più selvaggi, ma dopo troppi episodi rischiosi in città, Dylan rinuncia alla vita cittadina e si trasferisce in campagna, dove avrà meno occasioni di fare del male a qualcuno.

Acquista una nuova casa, derelitta ma promettente, circondata da un vecchio bosco di abeti destinati a diventare alberi di Natale e piena di sorprese. Per esempio, c’è il suo vicino Chris Nock, dall’aspetto un po’ rustico ma attraente, che si rivela un uomo molto più complesso di quanto appaia. E poi c’è lo spirito importuno che minaccia di distruggere ciò che Dylan e Chris stanno costruendo. E inoltre, come scopre l’amico artista di Dylan, Ery Phillips, c’è anche un bellissimo e misterioso uomo di nome Karl, che emerge all’improvviso dal laghetto di Dylan.

L'amore non è qualcosa di semplice, soprattutto quando intervengono forze soprannaturali, e sia Dylan che Chris, e più tardi Ery e Karl, dovranno impegnarsi per creare relazioni durature.


$9.99 $7.49

Kraken My Heart

Sucker For Love Mysteries | Book 2
$6.99 $5.24

A Sucker For Love Mystery

It’s just Ted’s luck that he meets the love of his life while covered in the blood of a murder victim.

Funeral worker Ted Sturm has a foul mouth, a big heart, and a knack for communicating with the dead. Unfortunately the dead don’t make very good friends, and Ted’s only living pal, his roommate, just rescued a strange cat who’s determined to make his life even more miserable.  This cat is more than he seems, and soon Ted finds himself in an alternate dimension… and on top of a dead body.

When Ted is accused of murder, his only ally in a strange world full of powerful magical beings calling for his head is King Grell, a sarcastic, randy, catlike immortal with impressive abilities… and anatomy. The two soon find themselves at the center of a cosmic conspiracy and surrounded by dangerous enemies. But with Ted’s special skills and Grell’s magic, they have a chance to get to the bottom of the mystery and save Ted. There’s just one problem: Ted’s got to resist Grell’s aggressive advances… and he isn’t sure he wants to.


$6.99 $5.24
$6.99 $5.24

Even a wolf shifter can’t defeat fate.

Vladimir Corelia is the second son of the pack alpha. He’s happy with his role in the pack, but it seems the fates have other ideas. When the man he finds living in a cave, caring for a shifter baby and a litter of wolf pups, turns out to be his mate, it begins a chain of events that puts the whole pack in jeopardy.

Frankie Bowers can’t remember anything except a powerful sense of danger.  He only knows he can’t go home. With no way to defend himself, he has to rely on Vladimir, a perfect stranger who happens to be his mate, to protect him and the young he’s looking after.

While Vladimir and Frankie’s attraction as mates grows stronger every day, so does the threat to their relationship—and to the pack. As Frankie regains his memory, the threat grows more and more ominous. Vladimir and Frankie must rise to the challenge if they hope to have any chance at the future the fates might have in store.


$6.99 $5.24

Portals and Puppy Dogs

Hedge Witches Lonely Hearts Club | Book Two
Dreamspun Beyond
$4.99 $3.74

Hedge Witches Lonely Hearts Club: Book Two

Sometimes love is flashier than magic.

On the surface, Alex Kennedy is unremarkable: average looks, boring accounting job, predictable crush on his handsome playboy boss, Simon Reddick.

But he’s also a witch.

Business powerhouse Simon goes for flash and glamour… most of the time. But something about Alex makes Simon wonder what’s underneath that sweet, gentle exterior.

Alex could probably dance around their attraction forever… if not for the spell gone wrong tearing apart his haunted cul-de-sac. When a portal through time and space swallows the dog he’s petsitting, only for the pampered pooch to appear in the next instant on Simon’s doorstep, Alex and Simon must confront not only the rogue magic trying to take over Alex’s coven, but the long-buried passion they’ve been harboring for each other.


$4.99 $3.74
$6.99 $5.24

Personal assistant Sam Coleman can do it all: housekeeping, groundskeeping, bookkeeping. The catch? It’s a con.

Ed Simon, his newest millionaire boss, doesn’t know Sam Goldman is a Robin Hood for hire who targets rich jerks. Sure, Sam keeps the money for himself, his crew, and his real employers, but at least they only steal from bad people.

Until sweet, fumbling Ed, who doesn’t seem to have a single vice. Too bad the people who hired Sam won’t let him back out. They want Ed’s money, and they’ll hurt Sam and his friends to get it.

For years Ed has kept people at arm’s length, but Sam’s charms wear down his defenses—just as he learns their budding relationship was an act. Sam isn’t who Ed thought he was, but Ed has a dark secret too: he’s a vampire. And someone is framing him for a series of bloody murders.

When the real villains force their hand, Sam and Ed must choose: work together, trust each other, and give in to the feelings growing between them… or let what might have been bleed out like the victims piling at their feet.


$6.99 $5.24

A Growl, a Roar, and a Purr

Lions & Tigers & Bears | Book One
$6.99 $5.24

Lions & Tigers & Bears: Book One

In the human world, shifters are a myth.

In the shifter world, mates are a myth too. So how can tiger shifter Dellan Carson have two of them?

Dellan has been trapped in his shifted form for so long, he’s almost forgotten how it feels to walk on two legs. Then photojournalist Rael Parton comes to interview the big-pharma CEO who holds Dellan captive in a glass-fronted cage in his office, and Dellan’s world is rocked to its core.

When lion shifter Rael finds his newfound mate locked in shifted form, he’s shocked but determined to free him from his prison… and that means he needs help.

Enter ex-military consultant and bear shifter Horvan Kojik. Horvan is the perfect guy to rescue Dellan. But mates? He’s never imagined settling down with one guy, let alone two.

Rescuing Dellan and helping him to regain his humanity is only the start. The three lovers have dark secrets to uncover and even darker forces to overcome….


$6.99 $5.24

Were-Geeks Save Lake Wacka Wacka

Were-Geeks Save the World | Book Two
$1.99 $1.49

Were-Geeks Save the World: Book Two

Paramedic and firefighter Bruce Collier became a werewolf to protect his family—and hopefully make amends for the way he treated his younger brother. His bitterness nearly turned him into the monster he thought his brother was… until he met Mr. Happy.

Werewolf Laddin Holt—a.k.a. Mr. Happy—likes things organized as he makes them go boom. He’s Wulf, Inc.’s explosive expert and the only one calming the turmoil inside Bruce.

At least until they’re drawn into a conflict between two factions of fairies living around Lake Wacka Wacka. Bruce wants to take them out, Laddin has other ideas, and neither of them sees the real threat lurking behind the scenes—or how their love could be the answer to everybody’s problems.


$1.99 $1.49