Books by "Kim Fielding" (72)

$6.99 $3.49

Kyle Green is on top of the world. He and Matt have been together for ten years, and—as the voice of Ecos, the wildly popular anime character—Kyle is treated like a rock star in anime circles. But in an instant, a stroke leaves him blind. When photographer Matt gets the opportunity of a lifetime, Kyle reexamines their relationship, discovers it has been a safety net rather than a true romance, and sets Matt free to pursue his dream. Kyle’s life and career as he knew them are gone, and he must now find the courage and creativity to draft a new plan.

After being away for fifteen years, Seth Caplan comes home to Chicago to care for his mother and to partner with a small start-up tech company. He and Kyle meet after Kyle’s collision with a child’s sidewalk toy, and they hit it off. Kyle wants to get back into running, and Seth becomes his guide. As they get to know each other, they start seeing each other beyond their three-times-a-week runs. But Seth’s revelation of the dark reason why he left his career in California sends the relationship into a tailspin and leaves both men running blind.


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Ennek Trilogy | Book Two
$6.99 $3.49

Ennek Trilogy: Book Two

Ennek, the son of Praesidium’s Chief, has rescued Miner from a terrible fate: suspension in a dreamless frozen state called Stasis, the punishment for traitors. As the two men flee Praesidium by sea, their adventures are only beginning. Although they may be free from the tyranny of their homeland, new difficulties await them as Miner faces the continuing consequences of his slavery and Ennek struggles with controlling his newfound powers as a wizard.

Now fugitives, Ennek and Miner encounter challenges both human and magical as they explore new lands and their deepening relationship with each other.

2nd Edition
First Edition published by CreateSpace, 2011.


$6.99 $3.49


The Bones Series
$9.99 $4.99

Skinny, quiet hipster Dylan Warner just wants to live a normal life—despite being a werewolf—but when he buys an isolated farmhouse, it comes with more adventure than he anticipated! In Good Bones, Dylan’s sexy neighbor Chris Nock helps Dylan renovate the house, but how can Dylan reveal his furry secret? In Buried Bones, a brand-new relationship is hard enough to handle, but the appearance of a ghost and Chris’s dad threaten to bring Dylan and Chris’s relationship toppling. In The Gig, a chance encounter introduces Dylan and Chris to Drew Clifton and Travis Miller of Speechless. In Bone Dry, artist Ery Phillips is house-sitting for Dylan and Chris when a strange—and beautiful—man appears by the pond and inspires his muse.


See excerpt for individual blurbs.


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$6.99 $3.49

A Love Can't Novel

Bullied as a child in small-town Kansas, Jeremy Cox ultimately escaped to Portland, Oregon. Now in his forties, he’s an urban park ranger who does his best to rescue runaways and other street people. His ex-boyfriend, Donny—lost to drinking and drugs six years earlier—appears on his doorstep and inadvertently drags Jeremy into danger. As if dealing with Donny’s issues doesn’t cause enough turmoil, Jeremy meets a fascinating but enigmatic man who carries more than his fair share of problems.

Qayin Hill has almost nothing but skeletons in his closet and demons in his head. A former addict who struggles with anxiety and depression, Qay doesn’t know which of his secrets to reveal to Jeremy—or how to react when Jeremy wants to save him from himself.

Despite the pasts that continue to haunt them, Jeremy and Qay find passion, friendship, and a tentative hope for the future. Now they need to decide whether love is truly a powerful thing or if, despite the old adage, love can’t conquer all.


$6.99 $3.49


Ennek Trilogy | Book One
$6.99 $3.49

Ennek Trilogy: Book One

Praesidium is the most prosperous city-state in the world, due not only to its location at the mouth of a great bay but also to its strict laws, stringently enforced. Ordinary criminals become bond-slaves, but the worst punishment—to be suspended in a dreamless frozen state known as Stasis—is doled out by the wizard and reserved for only the most serious of traitors. 

Ennek is the youngest son of Praesidium’s strict Chief. Though now a successful portmaster, Ennek grew up without much of a purpose, unable to fulfill his true desires and always skating on the edge of the law. But he is also haunted by the plight of one man, Miner, a prisoner for whom Stasis appears to be a truly horrible fate. If Ennek is to save Miner, he must explore Praesidium’s deepest secrets as well as his own.

2nd Edition
First Edition published by CreateSpace, 2009.


$6.99 $3.49

Senza parole

Senza parole
$3.99 $2.00

Travis Miller ha un lavoro da operaio, un gatto di nome Elwood e una vita sentimentale patetica. L’unico raggio di luce nella sua esistenza è il bellissimo chitarrista davanti al quale passa, talvolta, quando torna a casa dopo il lavoro. Ma quando trova finalmente il coraggio di rivolgergli parola, Travis viene a sapere che quell’ex romanziere, Drew Clifton, soffre di afasia: riesce a capire tutto quello che Travis dice, ma non è capace di parlare o scrivere.

I due uomini soli danno vita a un’amicizia che presto sboccerà in una storia d’amore. Ma la comunicazione è soltanto una delle loro sfide: ci sono anche l’inesperienza di Travis con le relazioni e la sua situazione economica precaria. Se sono le parole a costruire un ponte tra due persone, cosa riuscirà a tenere insieme loro due?


$3.99 $2.00

Seguito di Senza parole
Un crossover di Un buono scheletro e Senza parole

In seguito a un incidente, l’ex romanziere Drew Clifton comincia a soffrire di afasia: non è in grado di comunicare né verbalmente né per iscritto. Solo grazie alla sua forza di volontà è riuscito a costruirsi una vita tranquilla ma solitaria. Ora, però, si è innamorato di Travis Miller.

Anche Travis ha i suoi problemi: ha perso un occhio e il lavoro. È però determinato ad aiutare Drew a confrontarsi di nuovo con successo col mondo, e un ingaggio in una caffetteria della zona per suonare la chitarra sembra un inizio promettente.

Dylan Warner e Chris Nock sono tra il pubblico proprio quella sera, anche loro con qualche fastidioso problema. Forse da quell’incontro casuale nasceranno delle opportunità che beneficeranno tutti loro.



2015 Advent Calendar | Sleigh Ride
$1.99 $1.00

Nate Roth’s latest dumb stunt has left him with a broken arm, black eye, and stitched chin—and extra trepidation about visiting his family for Hanukkah. He fears his relatives will put him through another round of criticism for his foolish choices and his nonexistent love life. Several mishaps during his short journey to his parents’ house don’t bode well. But along the way he meets impossibly gorgeous Gio DiPietro—and maybe it’s time for Nate’s risk-taking impulses to turn out well for a change.


A story from the Dreamspinner Press 2015 Advent Calendar package "Sleigh Ride".


$1.99 $1.00
$6.99 $3.49

Jeff Dawkins è stato lasciato dal suo partner con un mutuo che non può permettersi e un paio di biglietti non rimborsabili per una vacanza di un mese in Europa. Nonostante la sua riluttanza a viaggiare, Jeff decide di partire comunque. Dopotutto, ha già pagato. Mette in valigia un Kindle pieno di romanzi gay e arriva a Venezia trepidante. Lì incontra il bellissimo e affascinante Cleve Prieto, un americano che vive all’estero, che gli offre di fargli da guida turistica. Jeff ha molti sospetti – non è nato ieri e qualcosa gli dice che Cleve non gliela racconta giusta – ma tutto è meglio che girare per i canali da solo. Grazie a lui, Jeff s’innamora di Venezia e inizia a riconciliarsi con il passato. Per la prima volta, si ritrova anche a provare dei sentimenti per qualcun altro. Ma non può essere sicuro di chi sia quella persona, perché il passato di Cleve rimane un mistero avvolto dalle bugie.

Poi una figura oscura riemerge dal passato di Cleve e Jeff deve scegliere se lasciare che questi scappi da solo o unirsi a lui in una corsa disperata attraverso l’Europa centrale. Forse Jeff riuscirà finalmente a vedere dietro la maschera di Cleve, se sopravvivrà al viaggio.


$6.99 $3.49
$6.99 $3.49

A drifter since his teens, Jimmy Dorsett has no home and no hope. What he does have is a duffel bag, a lot of stories, and a junker car. Then one cold desert night he picks up a hitchhiker and ends up with something more: a letter from a dying man to the son he hasn’t seen in years.

On a quest to deliver the letter, Jimmy travels to Rattlesnake, a small town nestled in the foothills of the California Sierras. The centerpiece of the town is the Rattlesnake Inn, where the bartender is handsome former cowboy Shane Little. Sparks fly, and when Jimmy’s car gives up the ghost, Shane gets him a job as handyman at the inn.

Both within the community of Rattlesnake and in Shane’s arms, Jimmy finds an unaccustomed peace. But it can’t be a lasting thing. The open road continues to call, and surely Shane—a strong, proud man with a painful past and a difficult present—deserves better than a lying vagabond who can’t stay put for long.


$6.99 $3.49
$6.99 $3.49

Bruto lleva una vida solitaria en un mundo donde la magia es algo común. Mide casi dos metros y treinta centímetros, es muy feo y por culpa de sus padres tiene mala reputación. Nadie, ni siquiera él, cree que sea posible ser más que un obrero. Pero los héroes son de todas las formas y tamaños, y cuando es mutilado mientras rescata a un príncipe, su vida cambia abruptamente. Es llamado a servir en el palacio de Tellomer como guardia para un solo preso. Parece algo fácil, pero resulta ser el reto de su vida.

Los rumores dicen que el prisionero, Gray Leynham, es un brujo y un traidor. Lo cierto es que ha pasado años en la miseria: ciego, encadenado y casi mudo por un tartamudeo extremo. Sueña con las muertes de otras personas antes de que se hagan realidad.

Cuando Bruto se acostumbra a la vida de palacio y llega a conocer a Gray y descubre su propio valor: primero como amigo y hombre, y después como amante. Pero Bruto también aprende que los héroes a veces se enfrentan a decisiones difíciles y que hacer lo que es correcto puede atraer el peligro sobre ellos.


$6.99 $3.49


2015 Award Winners
$6.99 $3.49

Carter Evans is founder and editor-in-chief of Astounding!—a formerly popular spec fiction magazine currently in its death throes. Not only can he do nothing to save it, but stuck in a rathole apartment with few interpersonal connections, he can’t seem to do much to rescue his future either. And certainly all the booze isn’t helping. He snaps when he receives yet another terrible story submission from the mysterious writer J. Harper—and in a drunken haze, Carter sends Harper a rejection letter he soon regrets.

J. Harper turns out to be John Harper, a sweet man who resembles a ’50s movie star and claims to be an extraterrestrial. Despite John’s delusions, Carter’s apology quickly turns into something more as the two lonely men find a powerful connection. Inexplicably drawn to John, Carter invites him along on a road trip. But as they travel, Carter is in for some big surprises, some major heartbreak… and just maybe the promise of a good future after all.


$6.99 $3.49

Un buono scheletro

Serie Scheletri
$6.99 $3.49

Serie Scheletri, Libro 1

Dylan Warner è giovane, colto e conduce una vita del tutto normale. Non è il tipo che si nota facilmente, fino al giorno in cui, dopo una serata movimentata con un affascinante sconosciuto, non diventa un lupo mannaro. Nonostante tutto, però, Dylan vuole solo continuare a vivere la sua tranquilla – seppur solitaria – esistenza da architetto. Cerca di tenere sotto controllo gli impulsi selvaggi, ma ben presto decide che ne ha abbastanza della città e si trasferisce in campagna, dove gli sarà più difficile far del male al prossimo. La sua nuova casa è un po’ decrepita, ma promettente, e corredata per di più da un nuovo vicino: il sexy, anche se un po’ rozzo, Chris Nock.

Dylan assume Chris perché lo aiuti a ristrutturare casa, ma presto si accorge che le sue prime impressioni su di lui erano sbagliate e che Chris, così come la casa, potrebbe diventare un elemento fisso nella sua nuova vita. Tra il mostrare al suo capo quanto vale, resistere al seducente richiamo del suo pericoloso ex-amante e la sua limitata esperienza nel campo delle relazioni sentimentali, per Dylan è molto difficile capire come comportarsi… Come giustificare poi l’irresistibile voglia di ululare alla luna piena che lo coglie ogni mese?


$6.99 $3.49


2015 Daily Dose | Never Too Late
$1.99 $1.00

First a soldier and then a diplomat, Juberi now spends his solitary days on a single ambition: trying to resurrect the phoenix, which has been extinct for centuries. He’s not pleased when he is obligated to attend a public ceremony in memory of an elderly friend and former colleague. But at the ceremony, Juberi meets the friend’s beguiling son, Desen. Despite being from a markedly different culture, Desen has much to offer. But after decades of denying his own desires, Juberi fears there is no alchemy that will reopen him to love.


A story from the Dreamspinner Press 2015 Daily Dose package "Never Too Late."


$1.99 $1.00
$6.99 $3.49

Bruto conduce una vita solitaria in un mondo dove la magia è all’ordine del giorno. È un gigante di due metri e trenta di bruttezza e dai natali ignobili. Nessuno, incluso Bruto, si aspetta che lui sia più di un operaio. Ma gli eroi si presentano in tutte le forme e dimensioni e, dopo aver subito una mutilazione per salvare il principe, la vita di Bruto cambia bruscamente: è chiamato a servire al palazzo di Tellomer come guardia per un singolo detenuto. Sembra facile, ma si rivela essere la sfida della sua vita.

Le voci di palazzo dicono che il prigioniero, Gray Leynham, sia uno stregone e un traditore. Quel che è certo è che ha trascorso anni nello squallore: cieco, incatenato, reso quasi muto da una balbuzie estrema. Sogna la morte della gente, e quei sogni si avverano.

Mentre Bruto si abitua alla vita di palazzo e comincia a conoscere Gray, scopre anche il proprio valore, in primo luogo come amico e uomo, poi come amante. Ma Bruto impara anche che gli eroi, a volte, devono affrontare scelte difficili e che fare ciò che è giusto può portare nuovi pericoli.


$6.99 $3.49
$4.99 $2.49

It’s time for Austin Beier to grow up. His car is falling apart, his roommates are less than ideal, and he’s just been fired for the umpteenth time. His love life hasn’t evolved past bathroom hookups at his favorite clubs. Forced to borrow money from his father yet again, Austin is walloped by an epiphany—he needs someone to mentor him into maturity. And who better to teach him how to be an adult than Ben, his father’s office manager? Cute in a nerdy sort of way and only a few years older than Austin, Ben is a master of organization and responsibility. But as he gets to know Ben better, Austin learns that whether you’re eight or twenty-eight, growing up is never easy.


$4.99 $2.49

Saint Martin's Day

2014 Advent Calendar | Celebrate!
$1.99 $1.00

Five years ago, Neno Kovač fled California, graduate school, and his lover, Toby Cowan, to return to his native Croatia. Since then, he’s led a quiet life as a librarian—until one November afternoon when Toby, who has never stopped loving Neno, shows up in Zagreb. When he left the United States, Neno wasn’t ready to give up his home and family to take a chance on a long-distance relationship. But Saint Martin’s Day has arrived, the day pressed grapes turn to wine and autumn turns to winter. Perhaps it will be a day when other changes are possible as well.


A story from the Dreamspinner Press 2014 Advent Calendar package "Celebrate!".


$1.99 $1.00
$3.99 $2.00

Travis Miller arbeitet als Mechaniker. Er hat eine Katze namens Elwood und ein nicht vorhandenes Liebesleben. Der einzige Lichtblick in dieser Tristesse ist der gutaussehende Gitarrist, an dem er manchmal nach der Arbeit auf seinem Heimweg vorbeikommt. Als er schließlich den Mut aufbringt, den Mann anzusprechen, erfährt er, dass der frühere Romanautor Drew Clifton an Aphasie leidet. Drew kann jedes Wort verstehen, das Travis sagt; aber er kann nicht mehr reden oder schreiben.

Aus der anfänglichen Freundschaft der beiden einsamen Männer wird eine Liebesbeziehung. Aber ihre Kommunikationsschwierigkeiten sind nicht das einzige Hindernis, das sie überwinden müssen. Travis ist unerfahren in der Liebe und hat finanzielle Probleme. Und wenn es Worte sind, die zwischen den Menschen Brücken bauen – was soll Travis und Drew dann zusammenhalten?


$3.99 $2.00