
By Caleb James

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  • Release Date
  • Type Novels
  • Words 65021
  • Pages 200
  • ISBN-13 978-1-63533-922-2
  • File Formats epub, pdf
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The Haffling: Book Three

The human and fey worlds plummet toward an ancient war. Enter two unlikely lovers, a myth, and a mad queen hell-bent on conquest and revenge. Fire Marshal Finn Hulain, tormented by the death of his best friend and an unrequited love, is tossed from the world he knows into the upside-down realm of the fey. Dr. Redmond Fall, psychiatrist to the deadliest criminals in the Unsee, awakes to find the brutal Queen May deposited within the walls of his hospital for a bit of therapy. While May would like to get over her daddy issues, it’s sometimes easier to bite off heads.

Hound, the epic finale to the Haffling trilogy, delves into the darkest reaches of the addictions we all carry. To save the worlds and themselves, Finn, Redmond, and even May must confront the ghosts of their past and the demons of their present. The clock is ticking. There are no second chances. Everything is on the line.


Genres Gay / Urban Fantasy