Books by "Ariel Tachna" (111)


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Lang Downs (Italiano)
$6.99 $5.24

Serie Lang Downs, Libro 1

Caine Neiheisel è intrappolato in un impiego senza prospettive e alla fine di una relazione che di prospettive non ne ha più, quando all’improvviso gli si presenta l’occasione di una vita: sua madre eredita un allevamento di pecore nel Nuovo Galles del Sud, Australia. Per Caine è l’occasione di ricominciare, là in mezzo ai pascoli, dove la sua balbuzie non sarà più un ostacolo e dove la sua voglia di lavorare potrà certamente compensare la mancanza di esperienza.

Sfortunatamente, però, il sovrintendente di Lang Downs, Macklin Armstrong, che dovrebbe essere il suo più grande alleato, alterna momenti di freddezza ad altri di chiaro disprezzo. Gli altri membri della squadra, invece, sono più interessati al suo accento americano che impressionati dalla sua situazione… fino a che non scoprono che Caine è gay, e allora il divertimento si trasforma in disprezzo. Sarà necessaria tutta la sua determinazione – e un crudele atto di sabotaggio da parte di un vicino ostile – per unire gli uomini di Lang Downs e dare a Caine e Macklin la possibilità di scoprire l’amore.


$6.99 $5.24
$6.99 $5.24

Sequel to Chase the Stars
Lang Downs: Book Three

Office manager Sam Emery is unemployed and out of luck. When his emotionally abusive wife demands a divorce, he contacts the one person he has left, his brother, Neil. He doesn’t expect Neil to reject him, but he also doesn’t expect the news of his divorce—and of his sexuality—to be met with such acceptance.

Neil takes Sam to Lang Downs, the sheep station Neil calls home. There, Sam learns that life as a gay man isn’t impossible. Caine and Macklin, the station owners, certainly seem to be making it work. When Caine offers Sam a job, it’s a dream come true.

Jeremy Taylor leaves the only home he’s ever known when his brother’s homophobia becomes more than he can bear. He goes to the one place he knows he will be accepted: Lang Downs. He clicks with Sam instantly—but the animosity between Lang Downs and Jeremy’s home station runs deep, and the jackaroos won’t accept Jeremy without a fight. Between Sam’s insecurity and Jeremy’s precarious position, their road will be a hard one—and that’s without having to wait for Sam’s divorce to be final before starting a new life together.


$6.99 $5.24
$6.99 $5.24

When Russ Peterson accepts an invitation to an all-expense-paid vacation at a castle in southern France, he doesn’t expect to learn he has the ability to travel through time. For a historian, it’s a dream come true, offering the chance to find answers to the mysteries of the past. But it’s not without risks—to Russ and to the world as he knows it.

After a few short supervised visits, Russ still hasn’t made up his mind about his newfound abilities. Then, on his first extended trip, he meets Quentus Maximus, second in command to the Legate of Nemausus. While learning firsthand about the realities of life in Roman Gaul, Russ is shocked by his reaction to Quentus’s dominant nature. After a week with Quentus, Russ’s vacation is up, and he realizes he wants a chance to see if their relationship can flourish.

Arranging a year-long sabbatical from work to give time to make the decision is easy. Figuring out if he can live with Quentus's dominant nature long-term, and finding a way to establish a life for himself in Roman Gaul, is an entirely different matter.

Chateau d'Eternité was previously available as a short story, published by Dreamspinner Press, June 2012.


$6.99 $5.24

Alliance de sang

Partenariat de Sang
$6.99 $5.24

Partenariat de Sang, Tome 1

Un magicien désespéré et un vampire désabusé et amer peuvent-ils trouver un moyen de construire un partenariat qui pourrait sauver leur monde ?

Beaucoup dans ce monde secoué par la guerre magique voient les vampires comme des prédateurs, des créatures de la nuit valant moins que les humains. Pourtant, avec le conflit qui s'intensifie, la Milice de la Sorcellerie a besoin d’avantages pour inverser le cours de la guerre en sa faveur et les vampires lui donnent un avantage contre les sorciers dans cette bataille meurtrière. Dans une tentative dangereuse pour montrer leur bonne volonté, la Milice de la Sorcellerie demande une rencontre avec les vampires afin de pouvoir plaider leur cause.

Un homme désespéré, Alain Magnier et un vampire amer et sans illusion, Orlando Saint Clair se rencontrent à Paris et le sort du monde dépend de leur bon jugement. Est-ce que les vampires vont envisager de se joindre à la cause et de former une Alliance avec les magiciens pour gagner la guerre ?


$6.99 $5.24
$6.99 $5.24

Sikkanth Bhattacharya es el típico hombre gay soltero y está perfectamente feliz de serlo… hasta que recibe una llamada del hospital local que le informa que su mejor amiga murió en el parto. Sri acordó proveer su esperma para que el sueño materno de Jill se hiciera realidad, pero jamás esperó tener que tomar decisiones sobre una niña recién nacida. Intenta darla en adopción, pero una vez la ve, Sri no puede hacerlo, así que ahora lucha por aprender a cuidar de su hija.

Su compañero de casa y amigo, Jaime Frias, se ofrece a ayudar, pero no se podía imaginar que terminaría enamorándose tanto del bebé como de Sri. Todo parece perfecto hasta que una visita de Servicios Sociales provoca que Sri entre en pánico, haciéndole sentir que tiene que escoger entre su hija y una relación con el hombre que ha comenzado a amar.


$6.99 $5.24

Alianza de Sangre

Coalición de Sangre
$6.99 $5.24

Volumen 1 de la serie "Coalición de Sangre"

¿Pueden un mago desesperado y un amargado y desilusionado vampiro encontrar la manera de forjar la coalición que podría salvar al mundo?

En un mundo sacudido por la guerra entre magos, los vampiros son vistos por muchos como seres inferiores a los humanos, como las estereotipadas criaturas de la noche que necesitan cazar a otros para sobrevivir. Pero a medida que la guerra se intensifica, los magos de la Milice se dan cuenta de que van a necesitar sacarse un as de la manga que incline la balanza a su favor, y la fuerza de los vampiros puede proporcionarles esa ventaja en la guerra contra los magos oscuros que buscan destruir el mundo tal y como se conoce hasta entonces.

En un movimiento peligroso y como muestra de buena voluntad, los magos le piden al líder de los vampiros que se reúna con ellos para poder exponerle su causa. Un mago desesperado, Alain Magnier, y un amargado y desilusionado vampiro, Orlando St. Clair, se reúnen en París, y la suerte del mundo depende de que lleguen a un acuerdo: ¿se unirán los vampiros a la causa de los magos y formarán una coalición con ellos para poder ganar la guerra?


$6.99 $5.24

Alleanza di Sangue

Legami di sangue
$6.99 $5.24

Serie Legami di sangue, Libro 1

Un mago disperato e un vampiro disilluso e amareggiato possono trovare il modo di costruire un’alleanza che possa salvare il loro mondo?

In un mondo scosso da una guerra combattuta a colpi di magia, i vampiri sono considerati meno che umani, le tipiche creature della notte che, come nelle leggende, danno la caccia agli uomini. Ma all’inasprirsi dei combattimenti, i maghi capiscono di aver bisogno di un vantaggio che volga gli eventi in loro favore: la forza che i vampiri possono dare loro nella lotta contro i maghi oscuri, i quali cercano di distruggere la vita così come la conoscono.

Con una mossa azzardata, ma indice di buona volontà, i maghi chiedono al capo dei vampiri di incontrali, per perorare la loro causa. Un uomo disperato, Alain Maigner, e un vampiro amareggiato e disilluso, Orlando St. Clair, si incontrano a Parigi, e il destino del mondo dipenderà dalle loro decisioni: i vampiri si uniranno alla causa e formeranno un’alleanza con i maghi per vincere la guerra?


$6.99 $5.24
$6.99 $5.24

Srikkanth Bhattacharya ist ein schwuler Junggeselle, der das Leben genießt und völlig glücklich damit ist, bis er einen Anruf vom Krankenhaus bekommt. Seine beste Freundin Jill ist dort während einer Geburt gestorben. Sri hatte zugestimmt, das Sperma zu spenden um Jill ihren Traum, Mutter zu sein, zu erfüllen. Doch hatte er nie erwartet, Entscheidungen für das kleine Mädchen treffen zu müssen. Er beabsichtigt, sie zur Adoption zu geben. Doch als er sie das erste Mal sieht, kann Sri sich nicht dazu durchringen. Völlig überraschend wird er zum Vater und muss lernen, damit umzugehen.

Sein Mitbewohner und Freund, Jaime Frias, hilft ihm freiwillig, ohne zu ahnen, dass er sich in das Baby und Sri verlieben wird. Alles scheint perfekt, bis ein Besuch des Jugendamtes Sri in Bedrängnis bringt, als müsse er sich zwischen seiner Tochter und der Beziehung zu dem Mann, den er liebt, entscheiden.


$6.99 $5.24
$6.99 $1.04

Sequel to Inherit the Sky
Lang Downs: Book Two

Twenty-year-old Chris Simms is barely keeping his head above water. After losing his mother and his home, he struggles to provide for himself and his brother. When homophobes attack him, he thinks his life is over, but then he’s rescued by jackaroos from a nearby sheep station. He's as stunned to be offered a job there as he is to discover both the station owner and foreman are gay.

For Chris, Lang Downs is a dream—one that only gets better when Chris realizes the jackaroo he's crushing on, Jesse Harris, is gay and amenable to a fling. Everything goes well until Chris realizes he’s falling for Jesse a lot harder than allowed by their deal.

Jesse is a drifter who moves from station to station, never looking for anything permanent. Convinced Chris is too young and fragile for a real relationship, he sets rules to keep things casual. Watching the station owner and his foreman together makes Jesse wonder if there are benefits to settling down, but when he realizes how Chris feels about him, he panics. He and Chris will have to decide if a try for happiness is worth the risk before the end of the season tears them apart.


$6.99 $1.04
$6.99 $5.24

When a Category 4 hurricane hits the Texas Gulf Coast and critically damages a nuclear reactor, the NRC brings in robotics engineer Derek Marshall and professor Sambit Patel to avert a disaster. Unfortunately, putting the men in the same room could be nearly as dangerous as the reactor: Derek’s out and proud, gruff, and occasionally obnoxious; Sambit is closeted, quiet, and reserved. Faced with isolation, ungodly living conditions, and the very real possibility of acute radiation sickness, they race against time to stabilize the reactor. But the attraction growing between them may be beyond their control.

On the surface, Derek and Sambit have nothing in common. They live in separate cities, come from disparate cultures, and have trouble just getting along, never mind navigating a relationship. All they have to hold them together is a few isolated weeks of trying to save the world, or at least the environment. Sambit is convinced the end of the assignment will be the end for them as well—and despite their many differences, he’s beginning to wonder how he’ll survive the fallout once Derek leaves him behind.


$6.99 $5.24
$6.99 $5.24

Srikkanth Bhattacharya è la quintessenza dello scapolo gay ed è perfettamente felice così com’è, finché non riceve una telefonata dall’ospedale locale che gli comunica che la sua migliore amica è morta durante il parto. Sri aveva accettato di fornire il suo sperma per far avverare il sogno di Jill di diventare madre, ma non aveva previsto di dover prendere decisioni per una bambina. La sua intenzione è di darla in adozione ma, non appena la vede, Sri non riesce a farlo, e così si ritrova a faticare per imparare come gestire una neonata.

Il suo coinquilino e amico, Jaime Frias, si offre di aiutarlo, senza immaginare che così facendo s’innamorerà della bambina e di Sri. Tutto sembra perfetto fino a quando una visita da parte dei servizi sociali manda Sri in tilt e lo spinge a sentirsi in dovere di scegliere tra sua figlia e la relazione con l’uomo del quale si sta innamorando.


$6.99 $5.24
$6.99 $5.24

Lang Downs: Book One

Caine Neiheisel is stuck in a dead-end job at the end of a dead-end relationship when the chance of a lifetime falls in his lap. His mother inherits her uncle’s sheep station in New South Wales, Australia, and Caine sees it as the opportunity to start over, out on the range where his stutter won’t hold him back and his willingness to work will surely make up for his lack of knowledge.

Unfortunately, Macklin Armstrong, the foreman of Lang Downs who should be Caine’s biggest ally, alternates between being cool and downright dismissive, and the other hands are more amused by Caine’s American accent than they are moved by his plight… until they find out he’s gay and their amusement turns to scorn. It will take all of Caine’s determination—and an act of cruel sabotage by a hostile neighbor—to bring the men of Lang Downs together and give Caine and Macklin a chance at love.


$6.99 $5.24
$6.99 $5.24

After a year apart, teacher Jacob Peters and county judge Beau Braedon decide they can’t live without each other. There are just a few small obstacles to their Alabama love story. Jacob resents Beau’s paranoia about being outed, but Beau is convinced he’ll lose his seat on the bench if he admits to their relationship, and as a teacher at a Christian school, Jacob’s job is even more at risk. They could relocate, but Beau’s mother has Alzheimer’s and can’t be moved. And then there’s the tiny issue of Jacob’s infant son, Finn, and his mother, whom Jacob wed out of duty. In short, they are stuck.

But Beau has a long-term plan, and he’s prepared to swallow his fears and compromise with Jacob, because sharing stolen moments is no longer enough.


$6.99 $5.24
$6.99 $5.24

Police detective Patrick Flaherty has no illusions about Russian mobster Alexei Boczar, but that doesn’t stop his fascination with the bodyguard to one of the most ruthless families in Chicago’s growing Eastern European crime community. From the moment Patrick meets Alexei’s eyes over the body of another Russian mobster, Alexei is a thorn in Patrick’s side, refusing to cooperate with the police and turning all of Patrick’s questions back on him. Alexei’s hard-as-nails persona whets Patrick’s professional determination to get the information he’s sure the gangster is hiding, while personally Patrick just wants to get his hands on Alexei’s hard body.

The tattoos marking Alexei’s skin tell the story of his criminal past, but the more Patrick learns about Alexei, the more he wants to know, until he finds himself over his head in a relationship that might cost him his job and could well cost Alexei his life. Alexei is equally fascinated by Patrick’s willingness to overlook his past and even his present associations, but he has secrets of his own that could drive a wedge between them forever.


$6.99 $5.24
$6.99 $5.24

Offered a yearlong medical research fellowship in France, Shane Johnson has many hopes for the experience: a chance to improve his French, an opportunity to hone his research skills before starting his PhD at Baylor, and the freedom to live life as an openly gay man for the first time. He’ll chronicle his year abroad with its challenges, victories, and setbacks as he struggles to balance his faith with his sexuality.

As he navigates the shoals of a first kiss, a first relationship, and perhaps even lasting love, Shane will have to balance his newfound emotions with his long-term plans, and he’ll face the decision of how his once-in-a-lifetime experience will fit into the life he wants to lead.


$6.99 $5.24

Crossroads in Blood

2011 Daily Dose | First Time for Everything
Partnership in Blood |
$1.49 $1.12

A Partnership in Blood Story

Facing the Germans outside Amiens, Denis was prepared for the possibility he wouldn't survive the battle. Shot and left for dead, he didn't expect to open his eyes to a vampire offering him a chance at a different existence. Now newly turned, the hunger for blood grows insistent, but an instinct Denis doesn’t understand presses him to make the right choice for feeding, not the most expedient one. Which will Noël prove to be: a temporary succor or the companion of a lifetime?


$1.49 $1.12
$1.49 $1.12

When Derek surprises his partner Bram with an authentic kilt in his family’s tartan pattern as an anniversary present, the results are even better than he expected. Bram looks fantastic in the full dress outfit, and the special dinner Derek has planned becomes only the prelude to an incredible evening with his Highland lover.


$1.49 $1.12
$6.99 $5.24

All his life, French racer Daniel Leroux has dreamed of one thing: winning the World Rally Championship. To do that, he needs a co-driver he can trust. If only he could find one….

At the end of a disastrous season, Daniel’s manager replaces his incompetent co-driver with Frank Dufour, a young Canadian whose rally team let him go because he was gay. Daniel’s in heaven, thinking he might find more than just a teammate, but his manager puts the brakes on, declaring Frank firmly off limits. Frank isn’t any more ready to risk his second—and last—chance at making it in the WRC, no matter how attractive he finds Daniel. Sex and cars don’t mix.

Amidst a bitter rivalry with another driver, sabotage attempts, extreme weather conditions, and the stress of racing, Daniel and Frank forge a partnership that defies the odds, but just as things start to heat up between them, a family emergency calls Frank away. Will they find their way back together or will the separation and the spotlight be too much for their fledgling love to survive?


$6.99 $5.24