Books by "Andrew Grey" (277)


Cleansing Flame

Rekindled Flame | Book Two
$6.99 $5.24

Sequel to Rekindled Flame
Rekindled Flame: Book Two

Life has been grinding Dayne Mills down almost for as long as he can remember. First he lost the love of his life in an accident that also left him with a permanent injury, and then his mother passed away a year later. When his house burns to the ground, it’s the last straw. He can’t take any more, and if it wasn’t for kind and handsome firefighter Lawson Martin offering him a hand up and a place to stay, he doesn’t know what he’d do. Dayne would love for his relationship with Lawson to evolve into something beyond charity, but he knows going after a man so far out of his league will only lead to yet more heartache. It’s best to just keep his mind on his research.

It’s that research that leads Dayne to an old student journal that not only provides clues to the Native American heritage Lawson has been searching for, but chronicles a century-old love story. The tale that unfolds might be just what Dayne and Lawson need to remind them that no matter how dark life becomes, love can find a way to shine through.


$6.99 $5.24

Poppy's Secret

Dreamspun Desires
$4.99 $3.74

A second chance born of love.

Pat Corrigan and Edgerton “Edge” Winters were ready to start a family—or so Pat thought. At the last minute, Edge got cold feet and fled. Pat didn’t bother telling him the conception had already gone through and little Emma was on her way. He didn’t want a relationship based on obligation. He’d rather raise his daughter on his own.

Nine years later, Emma and her Poppy are doing fine. Edge isn’t. He realizes what he threw away by leaving, and he’s back to turn his life around and reclaim his family. It’ll take a lot to prove to Pat that he’s a new man, and even if Edge succeeds, the secret Pat has hidden for years might shatter their dreams all over again.


$4.99 $3.74

Fire and Hail

Carlisle Cops | Book Five
$6.99 $5.24

Carlisle Cops: Book Five

Brock Ferguson knew he might run into his ex-boyfriend, Vincent Geraldini, when he took his first job as a police officer in Carlisle. Vincent’s attitude during a routine traffic stop reminds Brock why their relationship didn’t last.

What Brock doesn’t expect is finding two scared children in the trunk of a Corvette. He’s also surprised to learn the kids’ mother is Vincent’s sister. But his immediate concern is the safety of the two children, Abey and Penny, and he offers to comfort and care for them when their mother is taken into custody.

Vincent is also shocked to learn what his sister has done. For the sake of the kids, he and Brock bury the hatchet—and soon find they have much more in common than they realized. With Abey and Penny’s help, they grow closer, until the four of them start to feel like a family. But Vincent’s sister and her boyfriend—an equal-opportunity jerk—could tear down everything they’re trying to build.


$6.99 $5.24

Per una causa antica

Una buona causa
$6.99 $5.24

Una storia della serie Una buona causa

Il padre di Will Martin è un razzista; odia i nativi americani e vuole tenerli lontani dalla sua proprietà, anche se parte della terra del suo ranch è sacra per i Sioux. Quando la tribù chiede di potervi celebrare i propri riti, l’uomo rifiuta, ma Will non è d’accordo con lui. Da quando ha visto Takoda Red Bird durante una cerimonia religiosa Sioux, ne è rimasto affascinato, perciò decide di concedere alla tribù l’accesso alla terra.

Takoda è abituato ad andare contro la volontà del proprietario testardo: spesso si intrufola in quel luogo sacro per andare a pregare e sa che Will lo ha visto. Quando, per puro spregio, l’allevatore mette all’asta la terra, Takoda sa che è venuto il momento di agire e unisce le forze con Will per impedirne la vendita.

Lottare per questa causa ha più conseguenze di quante Will se ne aspettasse. All’inizio vuole soltanto aiutare la tribù a preservare la propria identità, ma alla fine trova la sua.


$6.99 $5.24
$6.99 $5.24

Robert Morton is in for the surprise of a lifetime. His mother, a bit of a rebel, raised him away from the rest of the family, and it’s not until he’s contacted by his lawyer about an inheritance that he learns who he truly is: the new Earl of Hantford. His legacy includes ownership of the historic Ashton Park Estate—which needs repairs Robert cannot afford. He’ll simply do what the nobility has done for centuries when in need of money. He’ll marry it.

Tech wizard Daniel Fabian is wealthy and successful. In fact, he has almost everything—except a title to make him worthy in the eyes of the old-money snobs he went to prep school with. His high school reunion is looming, and he’s determined to attend it as a member of the aristocracy.

That’s where Robert comes in.

Daniel has the money, Robert has the name, and both of them know they can help each other out. But their marriage of convenience has the potential to become a real love match—unless a threat to Daniel’s business ruins everything.


$6.99 $5.24
$6.99 $5.24

Professional football player Hunter Davis is learning that saying he’s gay is very different from actively being in a relationship with another man—especially in the eyes of his teammates and fans. So when Hunter needs a personal assistant to keep him organized, he asks for a woman in order to prevent tongues from wagging.

Montgomery Willis badly needs to find work before he loses everything. There’s just one position at the agency where he applies, but the problem is, he’s not a woman. And he knows nothing about football. Still, Hunter gives him a chance, but only because Monty’s desperate. 

Monty soon proves his worth by saving Hunter’s bacon on an important promotional shoot, and Hunter realizes he might have someone special working for him—in more ways than one. Monty’s feelings come to the surface during an outing in the park when Hunter decides to teach Monty a bit about the game, and pictures surface of them in some questionable positions. Hunter is reminded that knowing he’s gay and seeing evidence in the papers are two very different things for the other players, and he might have to choose between two loves: football and Monty.


$6.99 $5.24

Gestählt im Feuer

im Feuer | Buch 2
$3.99 $2.99

Fortsetzung zu Erlösung im Feuer
Buch 2 in der Serie - im Feuer

Lee Stanton und Dirk Krause sind schon seit ein paar Monaten ein Paar. Doch dann erhalten sie schlechte Neuigkeiten: Die Feuerwache, auf der sie beide arbeiten, soll geschlossen werden, wenn sie es nicht schaffen, genug Geld für die überfälligen Reparaturen zusammenzukratzen. Die Union-Feuerwehr will sich gemeinsam dagegen wehren. Es gibt nur ein Problem: Die einzige Idee, wie sie an Geld kommen können, ist von Lee. Und Dirk hasst sie.

Unglücklicherweise finden alle anderen Lees Idee von einem „Dinner mit Aussicht“ – bei dem sie nur in Helmen, Stiefeln und Uniformhosen servieren sollen – großartig, und Lee wirft sich in die Vorbereitungen. Doch Widerstand aus der Verwaltung und ein schleppender Vorverkauf bringen Lees Event in Gefahr. Solange es Dirk nicht schafft, seinen Stolz und seinen Eigensinn einen Abend lang unter Kontrolle zu bringen, könnte es ihn und Lee ihre Jobs kosten – von ihrer Beziehung ganz zu schweigen.


$3.99 $2.99
$4.99 $3.74

Alchimie, tome 1

Brendon Marcus ne vit que pour son travail. C’est un génie qui a sauté des classes jusqu’à devenir professeur à l’université à ses vingt ans et quelques, et qui ne connaît rien d’autre. Les interactions avec d’autres personnes le rendent confus. Alors quand Josh Horton, l’assistant du coach de football, le poursuit de ses assiduités, Brendon n’est pas sûr de la démarche à adopter.

Josh a ses propres problèmes. Ses parents, à qui tout réussi, ne sont pas particulièrement heureux de son choix de carrière, et certains joueurs n’aiment pas avoir un assistant gay. Il commence à avoir des doutes, mais Brendon rend son monde meilleur.

Mais quand le chef du département de Brendon commence à causer des problèmes, Josh et Brendon découvrent que se défendre l’un et l’autre est la première étape pour pouvoir faire face au reste du monde.


$4.99 $3.74

Chimica organica

Questione di chimica | Libro 1
$4.99 $3.74

Serie Questione di chimica, Libro 1

Brendon Marcus si è rivelato un genio fin da piccolo ed è riuscito a diventare professore universitario appena compiuti i vent’anni. Il lavoro e la scienza sono tutta la sua vita. Le persone, invece, lo confondono. Quando Josh Horton, l’assistente del coach di football, lo corteggia, Brendon non sa cosa fare. 

Anche Josh ha i suoi problemi. Ha genitori di successo che non sono felici della sua carriera e ad alcuni dei giocatori non piace avere un allenatore gay. Comincia ad avere dei dubbi sul suo futuro, ma Brendon riesce a far brillare il mondo di una luce migliore. 

Quando il capo-dipartimento di Brendon comincia a creargli dei problemi, Josh e Brendon scoprono che aiutarsi l‘un l‘altro è il modo migliore per aiutare se stessi.


$4.99 $3.74

Eyes Only for You

Eyes of Love | Book Two
$6.99 $5.24

Sequel to Eyes Only for Me
Eyes of Love: Book Two

Marcello Bagnini has a history of falling for the wrong men, and it seems he’s done it again. Working out at the gym with his straight friend Jerry is becoming harder by the day—in more ways than one. Worse yet, Jerry isn’t the only one who notices Marcello’s wandering eyes. So instead of risking his friendship with Jerry and alienating the other guys at the gym, Marcello keeps his feelings to himself.

Real estate agent Jerry Foland has never explored his interest in other men, but there’s something different about Marcello, and Jerry’s starting to think he might like to see where his attraction could lead. However, Jerry’s controlling father makes it clear that it’s either stay on the straight and narrow or Jerry can say good-bye to his family.

As much as they try to stay away from each other, their lives overlap, both at the gym and when Jerry is contracted to sell the home of one of Marcello’s friends. Friendship grows into more, but Jerry’s father has his own agenda, and it doesn’t include having a gay son.


$6.99 $5.24

Can’t Live Without You

Forever Yours | Book One
$6.99 $5.24

Forever Yours: Book One

Justin Hawthorne worked hard to realize his silver-screen dreams, making his way from small-town Pennsylvania to Hollywood and success. But it hasn’t come without sacrifice. When Justin’s father kicked him out for being gay, George Miller’s family offered to take him in, but circumstances prevented it. Now Justin is back in town and has come face to face with George, the man he left without so much as a good-bye… and the man he’s never stopped loving.

Justin’s disappearance hit George hard, but he’s made a life for himself as a home nurse and finds fulfillment in helping others. When he sees Justin again, George realizes the hole in his heart never mended, and he isn’t the only one in need of healing. Justin needs time out of the public eye to find himself again, and George and his mother cannot turn him away. As they stay together in George’s home, old feelings are rekindled. Is a second chance possible when everything George cares about is in Pennsylvania and Justin must return to his career in California? First they’ll have to deal with the reason for Justin’s abrupt departure all those years ago.


$6.99 $5.24

Senses Vol.1

Senses Series
$9.99 $7.49

Sometimes the heart is the most important sense. Caring for a young daughter with cancer is almost enough to make Ken Brighton give up, in Love Comes Silently, but former singer and next-door neighbor Patrick Flaherty brings hope for both of them—if he can manage to break his silence. In Love Comes in Darkness, Howard Justinian has always had to fight for his independence, in spite of his blindness, but when tragedy strikes, he may have to accept help in the form of unassuming Gordy Jarrett. In Love Comes Home, Greg Hampton’s son Davey is losing his eyesight, but Tom Spangler isn’t going to let that stop a boy from playing his favorite game.


See excerpt for individual blurbs.


$9.99 $7.49
$6.99 $5.24

Malcolm Webber is still grieving the loss of his partner of twenty years to cancer. He’s buried his mind and feelings in his legal work and isn’t looking for another relationship. He isn’t expecting to feel such a strong attraction when he meets Hans Erickson—especially since the man is quite a bit younger than him. 

Hans is an adventure writer with an exciting lifestyle to match. When he needs a tax attorney to straighten out an error with the IRS, he ends up on the other side of the handsome Malcolm’s desk. The heat between them is undeniable, but business has to come first. When it’s concluded, Hans leaps on the chance to make his move. 

Malcolm isn’t sure he’s ready for the next chapter in his life. Hans is so young and active that Malcolm worries he won’t be able to hold his interest for long. Just when he’s convinced himself to take the risk and turn the page, problems at the law office threaten to end their love story before it can really begin.


$6.99 $5.24

Per una causa comune

Una buona causa
$6.99 $5.24

Una storia della serie Una buona causa

Bryce Morton ha bisogno di cambiare aria: dalla morte del suo compagno, avvenuta un anno prima, è diventato distante e taciturno. I suoi amici, Jerry Lincoln e Akecheta (John) Black Raven, lo convincono ad andare in campeggio con loro in una riserva Sioux. Anche se l’idea lo lascia perplesso, l’interesse di Bryce aumenta quando conosce Paytah, il proprietario dell’emporio del posto.

La vita di Paytah Stillwater è colma di sofferenza e l’unica cosa che gli rimane è l’orgoglio. Dopo essere stato abusato da bambino e aver visto la propria denuncia accolta con incredulità, si è chiuso in se stesso, ma non riesce a mettere una pietra sul passato, perché la causa del suo dolore sta ancora nella riserva. Paytah è orgoglioso delle tradizioni del suo popolo e custode attento del proprio cuore, ma quando Bryce compie un gesto di altruismo nei confronti di un bambino nativo, le mura che ha costruito attorno a sé cominciano a crollare.

Bryce e Paytah devono affrontare entrambi il dolore che si portano dentro. Quando colui che ha fatto del male a Paytah posa gli occhi su uno dei ragazzini della riserva, i due devono mettere da parte la propria lotta interiore. La ricerca di un modo per fermare quell’uomo li unisce in una causa comune e nel cammino verso un futuro insieme.


$6.99 $5.24

À cœur ouvert

Histoires de cœur
$6.99 $5.24

Histoires de cœur, tome 3

La dernière chose à laquelle Liam Southard s’attendait en fuyant son père abusif, c’était d’être recueilli par un couple de ranchers gays. En un rien de temps, il se remet sur pied, trouve un travail et accepte enfin son homosexualité. Et puis un beau matin, il se retrouve menacé d’une arme.

Pour la défense de Troy Gardener, il sait qu’il n’aurait pas dû pointer son fusil sur le jeune homme aux incroyables yeux bleus. Entre son mariage qui vient de s’effondrer et la solitude qui le rend fou, perdu dans cette vieille cabane au fin fond du Wyoming, il a des circonstances atténuantes. Il s’excuse auprès de Liam et découvre très vite qu’ils ont plus d’une chose en commun.

Mais avec le père de Liam qui débarque à l’improviste et une société minière qui menace la survie du ranch, difficile de commencer une histoire d’amour. Une chose est sûre, ils n’auront pas le temps de s’ennuyer.


$6.99 $5.24
$6.99 $5.24

Born with a silver spoon in his mouth, Brian Paulson has lived a life of luxury and ease. If he’s been left lonely because of his family’s pursuit of wealth and their own happiness, he figures it’s a small price to pay for what he sees as most important: money.

Cade McAllister has never had it easy. He works two jobs to support himself, his mother, and his special-needs brother. They don’t have much, but to Cade, love and taking care of the people who are important to him mean more than material possessions. When Cade is mugged in the park, he can’t afford to lose what little he has, and he’s grateful for Brian’s intervention.

Cade is given a chance to return the favor when Brian’s grandfather passes away and Brian’s assets are frozen. Cade offers Brian a place to stay and helps him find work, and the two men grow closer as they learn the good and the bad of the very different worlds they come from. Just as Brian is starting to see there’s more to life than what money can buy, a clause in his grandfather’s will could send their relationship up in smoke.


$6.99 $5.24

Amore significa… guarigione

Serie Amore Significa…
$3.99 $2.99

Un libro della serie Amore Significa…

Sono passati sette mesi da quando Len Parker ha perso Cliff, il suo compagno da più di vent’anni, e non sa come comportarsi di fronte alla crescente attrazione che prova nei confronti di Chris, uno dei suoi braccianti. Esitante e ancora ferito, Len rimane freddo e distaccato fino a quando non viene convinto a dare a Chris delle lezioni di equitazione.

Appena uscito da una carriera trentennale nei Marines, Chris può esplorare per la prima volta in modo aperto la propria sessualità, ma ciò di cui ha bisogno più di ogni altra cosa è un po’ di pace. È convinto di non piacere a Len, almeno fino a quando non scava un po’ più a fondo; allora, armato di speranza, decide di dimostrargli che dall’amore può scaturire quella guarigione di cui sia lui che Len hanno un disperato bisogno.


$3.99 $2.99

Rekindled Flame

Rekindled Flame | Book One
$6.99 $5.24

Rekindled Flame: Book One

Firefighter Morgan has worked hard to build a home for himself after a nomadic childhood. When Morgan is called to a fire, he finds the family out front, but their tenant still inside. He rescues Richard Smalley, who turns out to be an old friend he hasn’t seen in years and the one person he regretted leaving behind.

Richard has had a hard life. He served in the military, where he lost the use of his legs, and has been struggling to make his way since coming home. Now that he no longer has a place to live, Morgan takes him in, but when someone attempts to set fire to Morgan’s house, they both become suspicious and wonder what’s going on.

Years ago Morgan was gutted when he moved away, leaving Richard behind, so he’s happy to pick things up where they left off. But now that Richard seems to be the target of an arsonist, he may not be the safest person to be around.


$6.99 $5.24