Books by "Amanda Meuwissen" (18)


The Dragon and the Emerald King

Tales from the Gemstone Kingdoms
$6.99 $5.24

When the last dragon in all the kingdoms, Pax, wakes from his centuries-long slumber, he seeks adventure again—by finding a worthy mortal to gift three scales which will grant three wishes. When the wishes are completed, he plans to move on and never return to the Gemstone Kingdoms. For now, he craves experience—and a new partner in his bed.

He chooses Bertram, the recently crowned Emerald King.

It's been thirty years since the Gemstone Kingdoms entered a new golden age, but the peace proves fragile. With opponents of magic reappearing, Bertram doesn’t know what to do… except to wish that he knew what the future might hold if he never became king.

Bertram and Pax embark on a journey through time, across kingdoms, and into their own hearts to learn what they’ve been missing and what they might want of a different future together.

Be careful what you wish for—especially from a dragon.


$6.99 $5.24

By Cold Moon's Night

Moonlight Prophecies | Book Four
$6.99 $5.24

Newborn vampire Ethan Lambert and Alpha werewolf Bashir Bain may have been an unlikely domestic couple ever since one of Bash’s prophecies brought them together, but destiny isn’t done with them yet.

With shifter culture shaken by the sudden surge of unknown vampires in their midst and attempted takeovers by werewolf purists, neighboring packs are already on edge. When ancient vampire Alexa steps out of the shadows to make her return to the top of the food chain—starting in Bash’s territory of Centrus City—the paranormal world teeters on the brink.
If they have any hope of stopping Alexa, they’ll have to do it before the last full moon of the year, and they’ll have to work carefully, because Alexa’s reach is long, and it’s impossible to know who to trust. To save their world and their relationship, Bash will have to find a way to show Ethan how he feels that leaves no room for doubt. Can they solve the riddles of their hearts and the ties that bind them before this latest prophecy spells their doom?  


$6.99 $5.24

Au lever de la lune bleue

Prophéties du clair de lune
$6.99 $5.24

Les fiançailles rompues de l’Alpha Jay Russell pourraient bien être la meilleure chose qui lui soit arrivée. Le jumeau de son ex-fiancé, Bari, est beaucoup plus son type et franc dans son flirt et son désir d’unir leurs meutes.

Jay rentre chez lui après ses mésaventures à Centrus City avec une nouvelle prophétie, un ennemi inconnu et des conflits entre tribus à la suite d’une série de meurtres racistes. Furieux, Jay est déterminé à traduire le responsable en justice, mais les troubles bouleversent la paix fragile qu’il s’est efforcé de mettre en place, menacent la vie de son nouvel amant et sapent sa position d’Alpha, ce qui rend l’enquête difficile.

Jay et Bari peuvent-ils travailler ensemble pour combattre leurs démons intérieurs – et un étrange adversaire déterminé à faire revivre le passé – ou la méfiance et les machinations politiques vont-elles les déchirer ?


$6.99 $5.24

Void Dancer

Tales from the Gemstone Kingdoms
$6.99 $5.24

A brilliant inventor, Enzo Dragonbane has plenty to hide, including his secret identity as the recently deceased king’s bastard son. But he’s not half as mysterious as Cullen, the man he finds in the caverns. Cullen has no memories at all.

Cullen doesn’t know who he is or how he got there, and he certainly doesn’t know anything about his strange shadow powers. But he soon learns that memories or not, magic or not, the Ruby Kingdom stands on the brink of civil war. A lower-class group called the Ashen is poised to take advantage of the power vacuum caused by the king’s death to fight for equality.

Soon Enzo and Cullen find themselves in the midst of a revolution. As they untangle Cullen’s past, they discover they have much in common. But if they’re to have any hope of a peaceful life together, they’ll have to discover the secret of controlling Cullen’s abilities, take sides in the coming fight, and face up to the truth of who they really are.


$6.99 $5.24

Au clair de lune rouge

Prophéties du clair de lune | Tome 1
$6.99 $5.24

Bashir Bain, loup-garou alpha, patron du crime et Voyant secret, est en train de négocier un mariage de convenance avec un alpha voisin lorsqu’une situation tendue va de mal en pis. Un candidat à un emploi dans l’une des entreprises de Bash, un homme qui était censé être un simple tatoueur ex-flic et ex-taulard, se révèle soudainement être un mort-vivant.

Un nouveau-né vampire dévoyé aurait été un gros obstacle aux plans de Bash, même sans son attirance pour cet homme. Après tout, les nouveaux vampires sont sous le contrôle de leur sire, et Ethan Lambert ne sait même pas qui l’a transformé. Lorsque Bash épargne sa vie, il s’expose à une mutinerie, à des fiançailles rompues et à une relation inattendue et – risquée.

Ethan veut simplement prendre un nouveau départ après avoir été libéré de prison. Avant de pouvoir l’obtenir, il devra se faire détective privé pour découvrir qui l’a engendré et ce qu’il veut. Il a intérêt à faire vite, car la lune est pleine et, selon la prophétie de Bash, la vie et la mort sont dans la balance.


$6.99 $5.24

Wane On Harvest Moon

Moonlight Prophecies | Book Three
$6.99 $5.24

Cat shifter Luke and rat shifter Preston have had a solid relationship for ten years, but lately, the increasing attacks on their pack and the stress of raising their adopted daughter are highlighting more of their differences than the values they have in common. When they travel to Glenwood to investigate the source of the ancient artifacts tied to the recent violence, tensions in the shifter community—and their relationship—are already running high.

Strangely, this mystery seems tied to the events that brought them together. On their first mission, eighteen-year-old Luke and twenty-one-year-old Preston had to put aside their differences—and back-burner their mutual attraction—to prevent a disaster that would have revealed the existence of shifter kind to humans. 

But how does what’s happening now connect to their past? And can they find the answers their pack, their species, and their relationship need to survive?



$6.99 $5.24

The Bard and the Fairy Prince

Tales from the Gemstone Kingdoms
$6.99 $5.24

When Prince Nemirac learns of his heritage, he vows to become the most powerful demon in history. But he can’t do it alone.

Feeling betrayed by his parents’ lies about his true lineage, Nemirac embarks on a quest to visit all five Gemstone Kingdoms and drain the stones of their power to ascend as a new being. But until he obtains that magic, he’s vulnerable.

Enter Janskoller the warrior bard.

Janskoller has just returned to the Gemstone Kingdoms, drawn by stories of broken curses and lands open for travel. He doesn’t expect a pretty young mage to hire him as a bodyguard, but it’s a good gig for a bard—lots of adventure to fuel his stories, and plenty of travel to spread his fame. Besides, Nemirac’s passion and obvious secrets intrigue him. But soon Janskoller realizes the peril of Nemirac’s goal—an end that puts the five kingdoms at risk and corrupts Nemirac into a darker, twisted version of the man Janskoller has come to care about. As the two grow closer, can Janskoller convince Nemirac to abandon his pursuit of power in favor of the deeper, more lasting magic of love?


$6.99 $5.24

Blue Moon Rising

Moonlight Prophecies | Book Two
$6.99 $5.24

Alpha Jay Russell’s broken engagement may just be the best thing that ever happened to him. His ex-fiancé’s twin, Bari, is much more his type and straightforward about his flirting and desire to unite their packs.

Jay returns home after his misadventures in Centrus City to a new prophecy, an unknown enemy, and tribal unrest over a series of racially-driven murders. Furious, Jay is determined to bring whoever’s responsible to justice… but the unrest upsets the fragile peace he’s been working to achieve, threatens his new lover’s life, and undermines his position as Alpha, which makes investigating a challenge.

Can Jay and Bari work together to fight their inner demons—and a strange adversary dead set on returning to the past—or will mistrust and political machinations tear them apart?

Blue Moon Rising is the second book in the Moonlight Prophecies series. Fans of shifters, soothsayers, and shadowy villains will fall under Amanda Meuwissen’s spell in this suspenseful, sexy urban fantasy romance.


$6.99 $5.24


Tales from the Gemstone Kingdoms
Tales of the Gemstone Kingdoms
$6.99 $5.24

Created by the alchemist Braxton, Levi was “born” fully grown and spends his early days learning about the monster-filled kingdom he calls home.

Even though he is just a construct pieced together from cloned parts, Levi longs to fit in with his mythical neighbors, but more than that, he wishes he could say two words to the Shadow King without stuttering.

Ashmedai has been king of what was once the Amethyst Kingdom since it was cursed a thousand years ago. Only he and Braxton know what truly happened the night of the curse, and Ash’s secret makes walking among his beloved people painful, so he rarely leaves his castle. However, with Festival Day approaching, Ash wouldn’t mind going out more often... if it means seeing more of Levi.

Ash wishes he deserved the longing looks from those strangely familiar violet eyes. He knows no one could love him after learning the truth of the curse. But if anyone can change his mind, it is the sweetly stitched young man who looks at him like he hung the moon.


$6.99 $5.24
$6.99 $5.24

Als persönlicher Assistent hat Sam Coleman ein Händchen für alles: Hausarbeit, Gartenpflege, Buchhaltung. Der Haken? Es ist eine Betrugsmasche.

Ed Simons, sein neuester millionenschwerer Arbeitgeber, hat keine Ahnung, dass es sich bei Sam Goldman um eine Art modernen Robin Hood handelt, der im Auftrag reiche Fieslinge ausnimmt. Zugegeben, Sam behält das Geld für sich, seine Komplizen und seine echten Arbeitgeber, aber zumindest bestehlen sie nur schlechte Menschen.

Bis er den liebenswerten, ungeschickten Ed kennenlernt, der kein einziges Laster zu haben scheint. Was für ein Pech, dass ihn seine Auftraggeber nicht aussteigen lassen. Sie wollen Eds Geld und drohen Sam und seinen Freunden, um es zu bekommen.

Nachdem Ed jahrelang alle Menschen auf Abstand hielt, lässt er sich von Sams Charme erweichen – nur um festzustellen, dass ihre angehende Beziehung ein Schwindel war. Sam ist nicht der, für den Ed ihn hielt, doch Ed hat ebenfalls ein finsteres Geheimnis: Er ist ein Vampir. Und jemand versucht, ihm eine Reihe blutiger Morde anzuhängen.

Die echten Schurken zwingen sie zu einer Entscheidung: Wollen sie zusammenarbeiten, einander vertrauen und den zwischen ihnen aufkeimenden Gefühlen nachgeben … oder wird alles, was sie haben könnten, wie die Leichen zu ihren Füßen verbluten?


$6.99 $5.24

By the Red Moonlight

Moonlight Prophecies | Book One
$6.99 $5.24

Moonlight Prophecies: Book One

Alpha werewolf, crime boss, and secret Seer Bashir Bain is neck-deep in negotiating a marriage of convenience with a neighboring alpha when a tense situation goes from bad to worse. A job applicant at one of Bash’s businesses—a guy who was supposed to be a simple ex-cop, ex-con tattoo artist—suddenly turns up undead.

A rogue newborn vampire would have been a big wrench in Bash’s plans even without his attraction to the man. After all, new vampires are under their sire’s control, and Ethan Lambert doesn’t even know who turned him. When Bash spares his life, he opens himself up for mutiny, a broken engagement, and an unexpected—and risky—relationship.

Ethan just wants a fresh start after being released from prison. Before he can get it, he’ll need to turn private investigator to find out who sired him and what he wants. And he’d better do it quick, because the moon is full, and according to Bash’s prophecy, life and death hang in the balance.


$6.99 $5.24

Un modèle d'escort

Dreamspun Desires (Français)
$6.99 $5.24

Quelle est la valeur de l’amour ?

Le timide informaticien Owen Quinn est brillant en matière d’analyse prédictive, mais ne sait rien de l’amour. Heureusement, une nouvelle carrière lui permet de repartir à zéro à des centaines de kilomètres de l’ex qu’il préférerait oublier. Mais cette opportunité pourrait être gâchée par des problèmes qu’il ne sait pas résoudre. En vérité, il est très mauvais pour faire le premier pas et il aimerait qu’une relation ne tourne pas seulement autour du sexe.

Cal Mercer travaille pour le service d’escorts Nick of Time. Il sélectionne ses clients et n’a jamais accepté un client régulier recherchant de la compagnie par-delà la relation sexuelle, mais le bon client peut-il le faire changer d’avis ? De vrais sentiments peuvent-ils se développer alors que de l’argent change de mains ? Owen et Cal pourraient reconnaître leurs vrais sentiments… si leurs passés n’interfèrent pas.


$6.99 $5.24

The Prince and the Ice King

Tales from the Gemstone Kingdoms
Tales of the Gemstone Kingdoms
$6.99 $5.24

Every Winter Solstice, the Emerald Kingdom sends the dreaded Ice King a sacrifice—a corrupt soul, a criminal, a deviant, or someone touched by magic. Prince Reardon has always loathed this tradition, partly because he dreams of love with another man instead of a future queen.

Then Reardon’s best friend is discovered as a witch and sent to the Frozen Kingdom as tribute.

Reardon sets out to rescue him, willing to battle and kill the Ice King if that’s what it takes. But nothing could prepare him for what he finds in the Frozen Kingdom—a cursed land filled with magic… and a camaraderie Reardon has never known. Over this strange, warm community presides the enigmatic Ice King himself, a man his subjects call Jack. A man with skin made of ice, whose very touch can stop a beating heart.

A man Reardon finds himself inexplicably drawn to.

Jack doesn’t trust Reardon. But when Reardon begins spending long days with him, vowing to prove himself and break the curse, Jack begins to hope. Can love and forgiveness melt the ice around Jack’s heart?


$6.99 $5.24
$6.99 $5.24

Personal assistant Sam Coleman can do it all: housekeeping, groundskeeping, bookkeeping. The catch? It’s a con.

Ed Simon, his newest millionaire boss, doesn’t know Sam Goldman is a Robin Hood for hire who targets rich jerks. Sure, Sam keeps the money for himself, his crew, and his real employers, but at least they only steal from bad people.

Until sweet, fumbling Ed, who doesn’t seem to have a single vice. Too bad the people who hired Sam won’t let him back out. They want Ed’s money, and they’ll hurt Sam and his friends to get it.

For years Ed has kept people at arm’s length, but Sam’s charms wear down his defenses—just as he learns their budding relationship was an act. Sam isn’t who Ed thought he was, but Ed has a dark secret too: he’s a vampire. And someone is framing him for a series of bloody murders.

When the real villains force their hand, Sam and Ed must choose: work together, trust each other, and give in to the feelings growing between them… or let what might have been bleed out like the victims piling at their feet.


$6.99 $5.24
$6.99 $5.24

In a flash, the world changed. A solar flare—later dubbed Vertigo—activated the DNA of more than half the world’s people, granting them special abilities. Brilliant scientist Benjamin Krane might be Powerless, but his inventions are the only thing giving the police a fighting chance against super-powered evil. Ben doesn’t have much of a life beyond work, and when he gets wind of a robbery one evening, he decides to test his newest invention personally….

A thief, rogue, and shameless flirt, Grey Miller—aka the Streak—likes shiny things, but he doesn’t hurt people. When Ben catches him—and proposes they team up against the real bad guys—Grey doesn’t know whether it’s the offer or the man he can’t resist. But one thing’s for sure—they’re an ideal match in more ways than one.

With a psychotic supervillain’s catastrophic plan moving forward and everyone he cares about in danger, now might not be the best time for Ben to give in to Grey’s seduction, no matter how tempting. Grey is a man of secrets, and if Ben wants a future with him, he’ll have to learn to trust Grey—and himself.


$6.99 $5.24

Interpretive Hearts

Dreamspun Desires
$4.99 $3.74

Love is easy once you learn the steps.

In the competitive world of dance, Teddy was a flawless performer and hardass choreographer who students feared and admired in equal measure. But hip surgery ended the glamour and drama, and now Teddy is recovering at his beach house, lost and listless.

Until he meets Finn, his neighbor, who is too perfect, gorgeous, and kind to exist—but very ill timed. In a seaside town as small as theirs, they can’t avoid each other, especially since Finn is also Teddy’s new physical therapist. But Teddy isn’t the man he used to be, and though Finn flirts shamelessly with him, Teddy can’t believe a has-been dancer is worthy of someone so young and full of life.   

Finn’s sunny smile is also hiding heartache. Pursuing Teddy challenges both his professionalism and his self-preservation, but if he can convince Teddy to trust him, maybe they both can heal. 


$4.99 $3.74
$6.99 $5.24

It’s not easy being someone’s fairy tale.

Leigh Hurley is making a name for himself among thieves and criminals, even if it isn’t the life he would’ve chosen. He shouldn’t have screwed over the Moretti brothers, though. It landed him in the river with weights on his feet. But somehow he’s escaped certain death. The last thing he remembers before waking on the riverbank is a beautiful face and a soft kiss.

Then, Tolomeo turns up naked at Leigh’s apartment.

Tolly comes from a race of killers—merfolk who drown humans for fun. But Tolly is different, and when he sees a human in trouble, he offers a kiss, granting the man the ability to breathe underwater… and himself the ability to walk on land, at least until the next full moon. The ancient laws state that if he is given a vow of love by the one he kissed, he will be able to keep his legs. If not, he will be put to death when he returns to the water.

But love is not something Leigh offers easily… and Tolly has a secret of his own.


$6.99 $5.24

A Model Escort

Dreamspun Desires
$4.99 $3.74

What’s the value of love?

Shy data scientist Owen Quinn is brilliant at predictive models but clueless at romance. Fortunately, a new career allows him to start over hundreds of miles from the ex he would rather forget. But the opportunity might go to waste since this isn’t the kind of problem he knows how to solve. The truth is, he’s terrible at making the first move and wishes a connection didn’t have to revolve around sex.

Cal Mercer works for the Nick of Time Escort Service. He’s picky about his clients and has never accepted a regular who is looking for companionship over sex—but can the right client change his mind? And can real feelings develop while money is changing hands? Owen and Cal might get to the root of their true feelings... if their pasts don’t interfere.


$4.99 $3.74